Example sentences of "[conj] could [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The High Court and the Court of Appeal both ruled in the Revenue 's favour ; the House of Lords decided , however , that , where the law is obscure , ambiguous or could lead to an absurd result , and a clear statement about the intention of the law was made by a minister or promoter of a Bill , Hansard could be consulted .
2 For the purposes of this appeal , it is not necessary to take account of the implications which arise or could arise as a result of the possession order being set aside .
3 The service , Mr. Park argued , could either consist in the grant of a sub-licence which enabled the operator to do in Vancouver what he could not otherwise lawfully do or could consist in the refraining by the taxpayer from stopping the grantee doing what he could otherwise be stopped from doing .
4 The Hadow Report of 1926 , and its successor the Spens Report of 1938 , had envisaged that not all children would want or could profit from the kind of schooling which was available in Cardiff in the 1930s or in Thame in the 1890s , and that different kinds of pupils deserved not only various curricula but also distinctive types of school .
5 So we should not be dogmatic , and assume that the kind of life we have on Earth is the only kind that could exist in the entire Universe ; and ‘ living ’ clays may flourish elsewhere , perhaps even on Mars ( as suggested by Professor Hyman Hartman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) .
6 It eliminates white blood cells that could react against the body 's own normal cells .
7 As in any software , there are bits here and there that could do with a polish , but , overall , Mainlan GTI for Windows does everything you 're likely to want in a small network environment .
8 but normally I ca n't sleep here I al I always admired anybody that could sleep with a for yea it 's only this last couple of years I can do it , no I mean I 'll doze .
9 Hopes and expectations were high ; Britain was desperate for a car that could compete at the top level with Alfa Romeo and Ferrari , and BRM , with the backing of British industry , was the car to do it .
10 Although President Bush has been opposed to any such deal , Miami lawyers acting for Gen Noriega and leading US senators have been exploring the possibility of an agreement that could lead to a ceasefire and freedom for the American hostages .
11 Robert Bosch GmbH and Northern Telecom Ltd say they are in discussions that could lead to a 50-50 joint venture to develop , manufacture , and market transmission equipment — yes , Bosch 's main business is motor components , but we 're talking data transmission here — under the global CCITT standard , including Synchronous Digital Hierarchy systems : Northern Telecom says the deal would complements its strategic tie with Matra Communication SA .
12 Far from capitulating to this new thrust of American trade policy , Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation .
13 Technically , the offence merited a written warning that could lead to a sacking .
14 I think I 'm making my point , I have been saying for some time now that given the fact that all that security has n't produced the results , the logic of that is dialogue , and when I see the opportunity as I saw it , of dialogue , direct dialogue with Mr Addams that could lead to a total cessation of this violence , I felt it was my duty to do so .
15 Rover is negotiating a deal that could lead to a factory being built in Siberia .
16 DYFED 'S chief fire officer , Ronnie King , urges those visiting the countryside not to leave the area littered with rubbish that could lead to a fire .
17 Thyssen , Krupp and Saarstahl AG are in talks that could lead to a merger of their troubled structural steel divisions .
18 Mr Christie 's complaint to the commission , the first of its kind over GCHQ 's activities , is the initial stage in a process that could lead to a full hearing by the European Court of Human Rights .
19 DOCTORS hope to announce an experiment next month that could lead to the use of animal organs for human transplants within the next five years .
20 But he added : ‘ There must be a better way of meeting those concerns than taking action that could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom . ’
21 British Telecom is planning more job cuts that could lead to the loss of 80,000 staff over five years , unions fear .
22 BP Nutrition , the food arm of the UK oil giant , is in talks that could lead to the Sarah Lee Corporation of Chicago acquiring its consumer food group .
23 The granting of patents on plants rewards a technology that could lead to the genetic pollution of nature , an outcome that is clearly not in the public interest .
24 Any political decision that could lead to the closure of either Devonport or Rossythe would also put the defence of this country at risk .
25 they become the high-risk seed money that could lead to the investment of private funds on a commercial basis ; and
26 Two witnesses have come forward with information that could lead to the killer 's arrest .
27 It is this attitude of institutionalized and traditional myopia that could lead to an annual monster Aid event , and the continuance , in slightly altered guise , of the Third World as helpless victim that we know and understand .
28 It would therefore be possible for a young school-leaver to begin acquiring qualifications that could lead in the end to gaining a technical degree qualification .
29 ‘ I forced myself to write a chapter or two about the good things he did : getting rid of dead wood in the bureau ; eliminating corruption among his agents ; setting up a fingerprint system , an FBI laboratory that could serve as a technical resource for police forces all over the country .
30 In America we 'd get like a column , and erm , but I think you could even do more , that the real life , the people , you know , is in the high street and the shopping malls and , you know , there 's a lot of kind of horoscope and gossip and stuff that could go into a paper that could be fun .
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