Example sentences of "[conj] when they [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 The poachers had already been and got away with their spoils ; or when they heard the shots , they made off .
2 Women were most resistant to his strictures , claiming that when they served the goddess , they were never short of food .
3 Er Mike said in his autobiography that when they got the play and converted it to film , they changed the age of the character for a start , cos in the play it was written in the late fifties by Bill and it was written for a man approaching his forties .
4 As for the barking dragoman , Gustave merely records that when they heard the village dog in the distance , he ordered the policeman to fire his pistol in the air .
5 The Conservatives are inconsistent , I mean that when they wrote the policy , when they were looking at the guidelines this erm I ca n't remember off hand what it was on page fifty .
6 Later she had a full mastectomy and was just getting over that when they discovered the cancer had spread to her bones .
7 I have told my hon. Friend in private and I am happy to tell him in public that if the doctors concerned say that when they installed the computer they did not know that the list size criterion existed , I am happy to accept that as a statement of fact .
8 He knew that when they built the Jubilee Line they had had to put in a big fan shaft here to release the air or passengers might have been blown off the platform on to the line .
9 Animal inspectors said that when they found the dog , it was practically skin and bone .
10 Bateson explained : ‘ The League have been in contact to say that when they informed the FA of the meeting , they were told that no matter what the egm approved the FA would not sanction any agreement which would produce more than 24 clubs in any one division .
11 And when they brought the key , I knew exactly what it was — a left-luggage locker-key .
12 The child seemed so lost in thought she hardly looked where she was walking , and when they reached the gate of Matilda 's home , Miss Honey said , ‘ You had better forget everything I told you this afternoon . ’
13 A few people were already astir in the first village they passed through , and when they reached the piazza in Pontino higher up a huddled group stood within the light and warmth of the doorway of the Bar Italia waiting for the first bus down to Florence .
14 A sudden surge of compassion washed through him , and when they reached the governor 's palace Joseph rashly thrust two piasters into the coolie 's cupped hands , thanking him over and over again in French .
15 And when they reached the drawing-room , she said , ‘ Sit down there , lass , and calm yourself . ’
16 They walked back through the orchard in silence and when they reached the garden , Bunny turned off abruptly towards the stables .
17 Two men had gone to Anthony Bland 's home in Vine Street , Darlington , to execute a warrant for eviction and when they searched the house they discovered sub-machine guns , a pump action shotgun and pistols .
18 Oh yes , all down there that 's where they bombed when the war was on and when they killed the people in the town .
19 Got it back , there was erm a blanket in the boot and when they took the blanket out it was all ten thousand pounds worth of drugs and needles and everything in it , so the police have took it all back and they 've written it off , so they 've got a new Nissan , a Bluebird
20 And when they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceeding great joy .
21 And when they saw the rash then they were , but , but tt oh , I see , she says .
22 Geophysicists are perhaps not best known for their romantic souls , and when they invented the dire appellation subduction zone , they probably overlooked the fact that precisely because of all this subterranean frenzy , each one is an area of quite extraordinary beauty .
23 we had our red and white rosettes and when our , I was sitting watching the match and when they scored the goal my slippers went up in the air .
24 And when they complained the apartment , in the resort of Playa de las Americas , was full of cockroaches they were handed a can of insect spray .
25 And this man used to go up , do you know I 've heard my father say he 's come up three or four times a week and help him and when they slaughtered the things they used to have the slaughterhouse down the piste years ago , as I 'm talking about sixty , sixty , seventy years ago , sixty years ago , where they used to slaughter the stuff , you see , down the piste and this was the Christmas show this was , all these hindquarters of beef .
26 And er then they started blacklegs and when they started the rest of the firms all came as well then and I remember er going down on the picket lines and er they 'd be all the members there .
27 Carl from upstairs got arrested too , and he said that Ibrahim was screaming all night in the room next to him in the prison , and when they opened the door in the morning , he 'd scratched all the skin off of his face .
28 Steve Harper , haulage contractor , stood outside alone for a grateful crisp smokeless moment of silence , and when they opened the door to him a strange shadow of the night sidled in with him from prehistory .
29 And when they opened the Ark they should have discovered Moses in it but they did n't because it was and there we are .
30 And when they stopped the film , and everybody made such a row they had to start it again . ’
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