Example sentences of "[conj] also [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be of interest to know whether this plasma fatty acid pattern , not previously reported in other disease states , is exclusive to inflammatory bowel disease or also occurs in other autoimmune conditions .
2 They were hunters , metal-workers , cattle raisers and also engaged in primitive agriculture and the gathering of roots and nuts .
3 It employs about 1,800 , 1,300 in the UK , and also operates in continental Europe and the Pacific Rim .
4 Yes , there 's always been a genuine interest in the Arts Association as a point where the university , those people involved in the university , can hear about what 's taking place in the arts and also participate in some aspects of the advisory panels .
5 Sanderson et al showed that an elemental diet was as effective as steroids in acute childhood Crohn 's disease and also resulted in improved growth .
6 That point was explicitly recognised by President Yeltsin in our private discussions , and also acknowledged in public after our meeting .
7 PARTB is seen to translate in two planes ( as its origin is at the centre of the yoke ) and also rotate in two .
8 He supplied dead horses and asses for dissection , and also dealt in dead cows .
9 The discoveries mentioned there of some of the world 's best mathematicians should whet the appetite for , and also place in some kind of perspective , the mathematics covered in Chapters 1 through 6 .
10 The track is backed with a live mix of ‘ Dog ’ from Jim ‘ Foetus ’ Thirlwell and also comes in two separate CD formats , the first featuring three mixes of ‘ It 's You ’ from Nirvana/Pearl Jam producer Butch Vig and the second , issued a week later , featuring an Orbital remix of ‘ It 's You ’ plus a Joey Beltram remix of ‘ The Light That Burns Twice As Bright ’ .
11 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
12 The junction lies at the far end of Junction 6 of the M6 , Gravelly Hill Interchange or Spaghetti Junction , the most complicated motorway interchange in Britain , offering freeflow routes between the M6 , A38M and A5127 and also linking in various local roads .
13 They began to show regularly at Helen Lessore 's Beaux Arts Gallery and also appeared in international exhibitions .
14 the ‘ contradiction ’ is inseparable from the total structure of the social body in which it is found , inseparable from its formal conditions of existence , and even from the instances it governs ; it is radically affected by them , determining , but also determined in one and the same movement , and determined by the various levels and instances of the social formation it animates ; it might be called overdetermined in its principle .
15 Not only is it increasingly a recipe for lower profits but also results in higher staff turnover , struggles in recruitment ( graduates prefer the lean and adaptable to the slow and inflexible ) and a gradual loss of customers as competitors win the race to innovate .
16 This is a small to medium sized tree which reaches its best development in Sri Lanka , but also occurs in central and southern India .
17 The food must not only be disguised , but also given in sufficient quantity , a task that has taxed the ingenuity of many a researcher ( see p91 and p92 ) .
18 The middlemen who organized supplies of these crops for European traders were not only accumulators of capital but also invested in new opportunities , such as that created by the demand for cocoa in the 1890s .
19 An increase in NaCl absorption initiated by stimulation of apical Na + /H + exchange and consequent activation of apical Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange via its OH - sensitive modifier site would result not only in some increase in pH i , but also rises in intracellular Na + and Cl - concentrations , cell volume , and cell membrane potential .
20 This opposition was not confined to Donegal but also appeared in other areas — Cork , Carlow and Wicklow .
21 There must also have been a great number of ferns , lycopods and horsetails existing as understorey plants but also isolated in dense swards , There was not the wide-scale domination of conifers hinted by Benton which somewhat invokes a picture of foodless dark plantation-style forests .
22 Firstly , the chart parser was an existing framework , originally developed for use in the syntactic domain , but also used in other areas of the speech chain , e.g. acoustic-phonetic analysis ( Church 1983 ) It was specifically designed for automatically building a graph of possibilities , these possibilities being determined by the component knowledge sources , not by the parser .
23 Yet , when any mistake or misjudgement could not only be pounced upon by the press and magnified as an indication of bureaucratic muddle or high-handedness , but also lead in extreme cases to job loss or imprisonment , the instinct for self-preservation by secrecy and tight central control was understandably strengthened .
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