Example sentences of "[conj] who [vb base] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rather like those adults with syphilis acquired from infected blood at transfusion or who have suffered an accidental inoculation from an infected syringe , the baby with congenital syphilis has no primary stage in the infection .
2 Conditions in which there is depletion of its , which are essential for emulsifying fats in the gut , are also characterised by low levels of vitamin E. Examples are people with liver disease , or who have had a large part of the ileum ( ’ lower ’ end of the small intestine ) removed .
3 On the other hand , here , as in other parts of the Pyrenees , those who are left are now being joined by others who have retired or who have bought a second home in the foothills .
4 A newly elected collegium , it was announced on Sept. 16 , included " competent people who think in a modern way and who have stood the tests of the crisis " , according to a spokesman .
5 If ‘ home ’ means , though , the defence of self and close kin for what Rainwater calls the ‘ lower class ’ , it means something quite different for those who have managed to escape from this class and who have achieved a degree of economic and emotional stability .
6 Talking to others whose judgement can be trusted , and who have weathered the same kind of changes , may be a help .
7 While most political prisoners have been involved iii trade union or political work , there are also cases of people who have boon picked up on suspicion and who have had no history of participation in any organization .
8 He probably has in mind those who campaigned to get the herbicide 245-T banned in Britain and who have attacked the operators of the Pesticides Safety Precautions Scheme for failing to institute a ban .
9 I ask the Minister to do one more thing for those millions of families , many of whom are part of that 250,000 who are more than six months in arrears with their mortgage repayments , who fear that their homes will be taken from them and who have paid the poll tax .
10 In terms of the typology presented in Chapter 3 , it is the gentlemen farmers — the traditional village squires — who have probably been most affected and who have watched the newcomers add to the general decline of squirearchal power and influence .
11 This Document is confidential being for use only by the persons to whom it is issued and who have signed the required form of confidentiality agreement .
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