Example sentences of "[conj] were [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 May I and my right hon. and hon. Friends join in expressing sympathy for those who died or were injured in the atrocity in County Tyrone on Friday ?
2 But three in every four Vietnamese-Americans arrived or were born in the past decade .
3 During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries many villages were industrialized in the sense that the majority of their inhabitants worked as nailmakers or weavers , for example , or at some other ancient hand-craft or were employed in the new mills , ironworks , quarries and coalmines which had transformed so many parts of the English countryside .
4 Some women worked away from home and yet in " team " with their menfolk , husbands or fathers , or were included in the " bargains " made by their husbands .
5 When Seebohm Rowntree carried out his first study of poverty in York in 1899 , he found that around I per cent of the poor were old people , largely because most working-class people worked until they died , or were incarcerated in the workhouse .
6 Although it is still possible that subjects ’ perceptions of the tasks could have been altered by the different exemplars of a junction that were viewed in the different experiments , it does not appear that the subset of 24 were unrepresentative of the full 60 .
7 He also had repaired many of the roads and bridges that were damaged in the great flood of I 803 and built a bridge at Câmara de Lobos , improved the municipal theatre and presented six beds and a hundred blankets to the hospital .
8 Can you give me some idea of some of the other trades that were represented in the er in the shop ?
9 Then the floodlights that were hidden in the roof came on .
10 He looked at her for the first time and saw the tears on her cheeks that were glistening in the starlight .
11 Davies and Brooke found that model eggs that were placed in the host 's nest in the morning were more likely to be ejected than those placed there in the afternoon .
12 We had disagreements in the House about the number of Territorial Army personnel that were serving in the Gulf .
13 The two large and rusty freighters that were berthed in the docking area , however , were very definitely of human manufacture , as witnessed by the sweaty crewmen who swarmed all over them , almost as numerous as the dead fish which clogged the oil-choked water .
14 Among those that were formed in the 1930s were Port Talbot and Bedford , while some long-established ones acquired new premises .
15 Even under the equator if you go deep enough you 'll enter water masses that were formed in the polar regions .
16 As Buschbacher et al. ( 1987 ) have pointed out , it is doubtful if many of the pastures that were created in the eastern Amazon basin in the 1970s ( section 7.3.1 ) , and have since been abandoned , w ill ever return to forest : they may be permanently covered in heathlike vegetation .
17 Figure 4.6 Starlings normally migrate south west during the autumn ; the points on the left hand map show where starlings that were banded in The Hague , Holland , were later recovered in the winter and in the breeding season .
18 I myself am going to take only a very few minutes that are left to me to comment on some of the points that were raised in the debate .
19 The leases that were granted in the heady days of 1989/90 when the brewery company landlords invited rental bids from tenants , saw them hungrily bidding up to 12 per cent to 15 per cent of the anticipated turnover .
20 He was showing me the ships that were lost in the battle .
21 Last year out of the two thousand nine hundred and thirty nine that were lost in the Rotherham borough from coal , engineering and steel there were two hundred and sixty jobs lost at Templebury steel plant in November .
22 Well it was the first hundred houses that were built in the New Town and it housed a lot of building trade workers , a lot of engineers and a lot of archi well a lot , a few architects and a few engineers and the rest were building trade workers or of some sort or another , and a few British Hydro
23 In my opinion , the sooner that we return to serious discussion about the government of the Province , and about the other considerations that were invested in the earlier talks , the better the people of Northern Ireland will be served .
24 Of the 5,000 men that were surveyed in the course of the Kinsey research , no more than four ( 0.08 per cent of the survey ) were found who could reach ejaculation by fantasy alone , without the aid of manual or other stimulation .
25 The second investigation was just one of hundreds that were done in the sixties .
26 Let those things that were done in the dark of night be revealed for your justice and that of the king in the full light of day . ’
27 Findings of the national survey were further examined in small focus groups that were organized in the south-east of England , facilitated by top market researcher Clare Mansfield .
28 The puppies that were to remain in the UK , although shown , achieved no obvious success , either in the show ring or as breeding prospects .
29 When his head jerked back to look up at Grant again , it was n't his teeth that were gleaming in the dark now , it was the whites of his eyes , wide with fear .
30 IT TOOK an average of 106 months to build the six nuclear power stations that were completed in the US last year .
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