Example sentences of "[conj] an [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 This can be successful especially where an imaginative approach to development is adopted .
2 In any event , the Act makes it clear that it is not unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment ( as defined in the Act ) where it is necessary ‘ for reasons that include averting an immediate danger of personal injury to , or an immediate danger to the property of , any person ( including the pupil concerned ) ’ .
3 Similarly , a migrating bird could be seeking a particular patterning of the stars or an instinctive orientation to the Earth 's magnetic field .
4 An exchange of visitors in both directions or an overseas visitor to the UK/Ireland and an overseas exposure tour to include the linking community .
5 ( b ) the rulings of the executive can be appealed by either party or an aggrieved shareholder to the full Panel ;
6 Robson 's volume , Those Inner Cities ‘ ( 1988 ) , although an authoritative contribution to this debate , in accepting common sense constructions of social problems ( e.g. the section in Chapter 1 on ‘ Crime and unrest ’ ) stubbornly ignores the reality of politics and uncritically reproduces the inner city as a space outside society .
7 Although an increased susceptibility to hepatotoxicity may be contributory , the main reason for the continuing high mortality from paracetamol overdose is that many patients still present to medical care too late after ingestion for an antidote to be given according to standard guidelines .
8 It might be argued that this device , although an ingenious reference to the converted barn 's former purpose , is not a practical feature in a dwelling because even double-glazing will not prevent the excessive heat loss and cold radiation caused by such large windows .
9 I ca n't remember exactly when in the sequence it first began to dawn on me that an evolved resemblance to something like an insect was possible .
10 There is a growing recognition that an effective response to crime and crime prevention must reach beyond the conventional boundaries of the criminal justice system , and there have already been a number of practical initiatives which either attempt to draw upon the wider resources of the community , or which rely upon what is usually known at the ‘ inter-agency ’ or ‘ multi-agency ’ approach .
11 I would imagine that an adequate answer to a question could be done very easily with one side of that .
12 That Weismann understood the significance of the information analogy is shown by his remark that to accept the inheritance of an acquired character would be ‘ very like supposing that an English telegram to China is there received in the Chinese language ’ .
13 Sometime after the work it was discovered that an old injury to the tendon had appeared . ’
14 The second step in my attempt to show that an affirmative answer to the question , ‘ Are there logical conditions of something 's looking blue to someone ? ’ is warranted , is to identify perceived-as appearances with would-be beliefs .
15 One might speculate that an impending solution to the Northern Ireland problem would split off from the clerical leadership those groups for whom the present position is only accepted on pragmatic grounds .
16 Despite the breeding of dogs into such a variety of shapes and sizes that an alien visitor to our planet would be forgiven for thinking them all to be different species , yet these miscellaneous varieties all exhibit the same essential behavioural tendencies as their wolf ancestors .
17 These observations suggest that an anamnestic responses to the patient 's own virus might become reactive by the foreign , but still related , protein .
18 If the coil is positioned for maximum output an offset adjustment equal to the mean magnitude of the field is required , but need be no more complicated than an offset bias to the following amplifier input .
19 Firstly , the dynamism of the newly industrialising areas provided a net rather than an entire gain to manufacturing output , for historians have increasingly come to recognise that it was in part linked to a measure of " de-industrialisation " in the South and East .
20 Burgoyne and Clark(1984) describe the ‘ conscious parenthood ’ of step-parents as a rational rather than an emotional effort to be a ‘ good parent ’ compared with childrearing as a central and spontaneous activity for natural parents .
21 At present , however , screening for c-ras mutations on their own is too insensitive to procide any more than an auxiliary technique to colonoscopy , since mutant alleles are found in only 24% of carcinomas , and between 0% and 33% of high grade dysplasia .
22 This complication is a special extension to the range of the fabliau plot rather than an incongruous exception to the confinement of the " life " of a character to the events of the fabliau story .
23 The way around this problem is to use a relative rather than an absolute approach to reading the bars .
24 The yard were adamant in insisting on the increased price without having any legal justification for so doing and the owners realised that the yard would not accept anything other than an unqualified agreement to the increase .
25 You really need not fear that Dr. Briant will be anything other than an excellent father to this child .
26 Nothing other than an obvious desire to be rid of me .
27 The residents have presented a petition to the council calling for the plans to be shelved until an alternative access to the site can be found .
28 Of these there were 57 volumes under the heading Religious & Moral including works by Doddridge , Bunyan , Calvin , Knox , Dick , Beecher , Butler and D'Aubigne ; 19 volumes Scientific with books on Natural Philosophy , Geology , Astronomy , Agricultural Chemistry , Phrenology , The Art of Cooking and an Ornithological Guide to Shetland .
29 For example , we would expect to find cells that give an excitatory response to long wavelength light shone on one part of the retina and an inhibitory response to long wavelength light shone on to an adjacent part .
30 And an equal amount to the horse himself who had every excuse to stop on the take-off side along with most of his comrades .
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