Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb base] him [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I shall not be easy until we get him back . ’
2 " Wait till we get him up here !
3 Many 's the time I 've been about to introduce the top of the bill , when from behind the curtain the urgent whisper , ‘ He 's pissed — fill in while we sober him up , ’ has stopped me in my tracks and left me out there telling gags for an hour or more while the star is force-fed black coffee .
4 And lead him out to the Waiting Room where he 's allowed to linger and holler for a while before we ferry him back to the night .
5 ‘ I need to look more closely before we carry him back with us . ’
6 A spy pays for himself twice , because there 's always the reward when we turn him in .
7 ‘ So long as we get him out ’ — Cameron was still cagey .
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