Example sentences of "[conj] she go [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , it 's under , it 's under , but the one , I know , that she go to this place , ooh it 's a yucky place , I do n't know she went to .
2 I 'm told , though , that she went with some relief — because she would n't be around to witness what promised to be the ghastly ignominy of election day .
3 I was offered this amazing job in London , but I felt no , I 've got plenty of time , I 'd rather be with her until she goes to secondary school .
4 And then sh like , you know how sometimes in the , an old dance routine they put a coat on the woman and everything , she 's dancing and they bring this coat towards her and she goes like that and it 's a straight jacket .
5 Coun Shore 's maiden name was Mothersdill and she went to primary school at Corporation Road .
6 Soon after her husband died and she went to Long Island with six of her children .
7 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
8 If she went on this way , you 'd be able to pick her up soon .
9 ‘ If she 's dead , ’ said Sam , ‘ she 's not going to mind much about anything , and anyway , if she went to all the trouble of making that tape in the first place , she 's obviously not bothered about leaving it lying around .
10 She had taken them out so that she could read the labels on the other bottles — and for super-safe keeping she had locked them in my drawer while she went through all the tablets looking for the ones she wanted .
11 There were only a few weeks now before she went into dry dock .
12 And I think when we talk in terms in getting around to spending the money we have got then we need to look quite clearly about how you make a place more inviting and it 's also about when people come into the building how they 're met what the receptionists like , when they ring up can they get through and I mean I 'm I 'm surprised that 's said about the tickets that I think that our reception ticket areas an excellent area the people working there are first class are very friendly very helpful so it 's trying to get that sort of concept through the building I thin k we work on that I think the building 's kept very clean people who clean the building are very good but I hear what you 're saying and I thinks it 's been said earlier by the lady here by the foyer downstairs she feels threatened when she goes into that bar because I think the whole decor and the way it is is a threatening place I think we need to look at those so that was an old and .
13 Feels sick when she goes near any of the following : pâté , marmalade , petrol , coffee , shellfish , old clothes , Paul 's aftershave , the insides of certain cars , pubs , fried bacon , chutney , warm plastic .
14 when I watch it now I get scared , especially the bit when she goes like that and he goes aargh I get , I get scared .
15 glasses as soon as she went to another
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