Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If only she could turn her back on the golden Dane whose gaze still ensnared her , lose herself in the masses and find her own way back to the hotel , but she was held where she stood by invisible chains .
2 They settled Iris in the passenger seat of the Golf , where she sat with closed eyes .
3 Each one of them knew what he or she meant by true religion , and all of them were sure that the church and the government in England were wrong .
4 Held : An occupier of premises owed the same duty of care to a fireman attending the premises to extinguish the fire as he or she owed to other visitors under s. 2 of the OLA 1957 .
5 The factors selected were mean OBS score at time of first assessment , whether the sufferer was singly or doubly incontinent at least once daily , whether he or she engaged in persistent wandering away from home , whether he or she lived alone , and whether he or she had no closely involved informal carer .
6 She had told him that Brenda was obsessively vegetarian , and that she longed for red meat : would he take her out ?
7 Now that she knew for certain that she could n't marry him , her first impulse was to call him up and tell him so .
8 What is medically certain is that she died of coronary thrombosis : there is no question of any foul play , except of course if the heart attack was brought on by the shock of finding someone in her room stealing the jewel she had come all the way from America to hand over to the Ashmolean Museum , or more specifically to Dr Theodore Kemp on behalf of the Museum .
9 The inquest heard that she died from multiple injuries .
10 She was so furious that she drove with exaggerated care back to Kalkara , in case she crashed into someone in her distracted state .
11 It roused her violently by its unexpectedness , and she made no protest when his arms went round her and he kissed her with a force and a recklessness that she met with equal need .
12 She liked her guests to see and hear the efficient way that she dealt with difficult situations .
13 Did you know that she dealt in stolen goods , arranged thefts and then fenced the goods , did you know she arranged insurance for many of the smaller shopkeepers — her kind of insurance ?
14 Even though the table excludes those unable to give an appropriate answer on both occasions the answers which were given could mean a variety of different things ; for example , that the respondent really was feeling worried when she said so , or that she thought ‘ worried ’ meant something else , or that she thought the answer meant something else , or that she answered at random .
15 The very fact that terms like ‘ dissenter ’ and ‘ nonconformist ’ made no sense in America shows the attraction that she held for English Nonconformists : America to them was what England might become .
16 The court was told that she dabbled in black magic and tried summoning messages from the spirit world by using a ouija board .
17 The seal wanted to race south and burn off all her blubber , but she knew the penguin was scared , so she swam in lazy circles around the ice raft , singing and talking and giving the penguin names for all the new birds they saw , birds too canny to fly as far north as the Pole for fear of freezing .
18 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
19 She had never learnt to speak Alsatian , a dialect closely related to Old High German , so she spoke in faultless German instead .
20 A muscle twitched in his cheek , and she waited in slight apprehension for an acid rejoinder , but he merely nodded towards the radio on the kitchen dresser .
21 Babushka grew tired and hungry and she looked in vain for the Christ Child .
22 Suddenly she was ravenous , and she knew for sure that the cupboard held only labour-intensive proper food .
23 The expedition was not to start until the beginning of May , five days away , and she knew with absolute certainty that the word of it was to come to them from her .
24 He tapped the cheeks of her backside with the tip of the cane , and she shivered in fearful trepidation .
25 And she burst into tinkling and self-approving laughter .
26 Poor Sybil believed every word of Mildred 's story about the frog and she burst into renewed and even noisier sobs , so deafening that Maud and Mildred thought it best to scurry away , leaving Clarice to offer comfort .
27 Blue , blue eyes caught and held hers , and she burst into delighted laughter .
28 Coun Shore 's maiden name was Mothersdill and she went to primary school at Corporation Road .
29 Soon after her husband died and she went to Long Island with six of her children .
30 A searching , frantic hand savagely grasped Maggie 's hip , and she yelped as sharp nails pierced her skin .
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