Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] him a " in BNC.

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1 Who could the woman be , who admired him so much that she sent him a valentine ?
2 He begged her not to miss the party they were invited to on his account , so she made him a hot drink , turned on the TV and , making no bones about it , said she would be back in the morning .
3 and er so one night she gave him , come in a bit paralytic , wanted a drink , so she give him a drink with a load of tranquillisers in
4 She could have tried for goal , but Mike had an easier shot so she gave him a lightning , nearside , under-the-neck pass .
5 She wanted to wound him as he was wounding her so she gave him a charming smile and said , ‘ How did you feel , Fernando , when Maria Luisa slid into your bed at that hour ? ’
6 He began to nibble the lobe of her ear and seemed lost for a moment until she gave him a little shake to encourage him to go on and explain .
7 He could make a film with Nastassia Kinski , the most beautiful woman in the world ( Time had just said so , on its cover ) and she left him a slim book of Baudelaire , with some verses underlined .
8 Shannon was pleased to welcome the warmth of the flames , but his easy success with a task she knew would have taken her hours irritated her still further and she shot him a withering look .
9 ‘ Top o ’ the mornin' to you , Sister Hennessy ! ’ he sang , cheerful as ever , and she shot him a black look .
10 ‘ No wonder you 're so graceful , ’ he observed coolly , and she shot him a quick look through her lashes as he strolled beside her , tall and very desirable , his black hair lifting slightly in the breeze .
11 He looked at Lissa as though it was all her doing , and she sent him a poisonous stare in return .
12 Her breath caught , and she sent him a startled look and , as her heart gave a merry flutter to see that his dark-eyed glance , dark and good-humoured if she was not mistaken , was on her again , ‘ Are you inviting me to call you — Vendelin ? ’ she dared , and hardly believed that it could be so .
13 He advanced towards her and she flung him a look full of wrath , annoyingly conscious of his height and the wide breadth of his shoulders .
14 It was probably very bad for his discipline , but Robbie could n't resist those enormous soulful eyes , and she slipped him a chocolate biscuit .
15 And she gave him a bleak little smile and put a plate of hot rolls on the table .
16 ‘ I hate to see you going home empty handed , ’ said Madame , and she gave him a package tied like a cake in neatly folded greaseproof paper .
17 And she gave him a smile that resembled gratitude .
18 ‘ That 's right , ’ and she gave him a warm smile .
19 The woman 's face brightened up considerably and she gave him a sweet smile .
20 And this wifey come out and she gave him a nasty talking to , chapping chapping on her door with a stick .
21 ‘ Is that your last word on the subject ? ’ he asked coolly , and she gave him a wintry smile .
22 His self-confidence almost swept her off her guard , but the narrowed black eyes were a warning , and she gave him a small , would-be pitying smile .
23 That gained her immediate attention and she gave him a shocked look .
24 He chuckled and she gave him a light punch on the shoulder .
25 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ he said , and she gave him a watery smile .
26 Got on one tube and that broke down from the end of she 's at Liverpool Street then she had to go different end to Oxford Street , but she ended up in Charing Cross then she got on another tube line at Charing Cross and then that broke down , so she said it took hours , then she gave a taxi , had to get a taxi back to Oxford Street and , and from Oxford Street back to Waterloo and it 's four pound and he gave her a change for a tenner instead , and she gave him a twenty pound note but , you know she 's absolutely haggard , so I said it 's just as well she can have a cup of tea before she goes , I just told her briefly about that so , erm , Carla 's a bit late ai n't she ?
27 when she , this man was n't very well on , she saw him up at her window and she saw he was n't very well on the other side of the road and she sent down to ask him to come in and she gave him a cup of tea and everything and she was talking
28 Her hand came up and she caught him a stinging blow across the cheek , watching without a flicker as the mark turned first white , then red .
29 They talked over a meal that was prepared especially for her , and she found him a charming and entertaining companion .
30 Perhaps if she asked him a simple , straightforward question she would receive a simple , straightforward answer in return .
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