Example sentences of "[conj] which [adv] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let us start with examples of implicatures that arise directly from the assumption that the speaker is observing the maxims , and which simply amplify the cOmmunicated content in restricted ways ( the symbol +> may stand for " the uttering of the prior sentence will generally implicate the following " ) .
2 The programme 's main focus is a series of booklets and magazines that deal with social and spiritual issues , and which also encourage a sense of mutual support among young Christians .
3 This wide boulevard forms the impressive ( some would say interminable ) Viale delle Regioni , which winds its way for miles through what were once the Milanese suburbs , and which today form an area close to the heart of metropolitan Milan .
4 To know properly to mix them in planting is another matter of painting with living pencils , for greens properly disposed throw in a mixture of contrasts of lights and shades which wonderfully enliven the pictures and which insensibly strike the senses with wonder and delight .
5 By extension , then , conservation practices left undone , legislation remaining unheeded , projects that only serve to keep research officers in salary and which never leave the experimental station ( those things not done ) are also political acts and not just omissions , or non-events which do not need explaining .
6 There are in staffrooms ( as there are in every institution ) tacit rules that define what is collectively thought of as normal , acceptable , odd or inept and which therefore influence the kind of reputation and influence an individual has .
7 In practical terms this meant replacing processes of superego-formation in child-rearing and initiation ritual with mechanisms of state law-enforcement — parallel processes of superego-degradation and increasing state control which , as we shall see , seem well advanced in the modern world and which therefore constitute a similar danger .
8 ( ii ) all contracts where the party ( " businessman " ) seeking to rely on the exemption clause entered into the contract in the course of a business ( except those businesses excluded under Sched 1 to the UCTA — basically those which have some other form of statutory regulation such as insurance contracts , contracts for the carriage of goods by sea , or contracts whose subject matter is specialised , and which therefore have a particular body of law governing them , such as real property or intellectual property ) .
9 The tiger-stripe silk velvet seats on Queen Anne walnut chairs , the leopard carpet , and the monumental tusks of elephants Winston bagged before the war and which now dominate the hall all combine for an effect that is whimsical rather than opulent .
10 A simple mis-keying of a complex formula can produce errors that are hard to spot but which subtly change the balance and so disrupt the model 's accuracy .
11 It illuminates the medieval understanding of the interior life subject to impulses whose gratification may satisfy the immediate demands of the self for ease , anger , pleasure , esteem , but which also impede the freedom of the spirit to seek that ultimate good which in reality is the only means of satisfying man 's inherent need for fulfilment .
12 It would be useful to have a general term for elements which fall short of being constituents , but which nonetheless have a semantic function relatable to the meanings the same forms carry when they are semantic constituents .
13 I realise that there are those who swear by recordings which are distinguished by wrong notes , unstable rhythm , poor engineering , audience noise , and so on but which apparently realise the ‘ meaning behind the notes ’ like no other version .
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