Example sentences of "[conj] that [be] really [art] " in BNC.

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1 I I think that that 's really the message which I 'm quite sure er the the economic secretary has got er and I do apologise if I have laboured the point but I will be doing so until we can have a situation where we do n't go on passing more rules and regulations but in fact all the legislation coming to the house is purely repealing legislation so we do n't actually need any fresh legislation , we just repeal what in fact er we have introduced er because it is it is er not helpful to the prosperity of this country .
2 I heartily agree with him , and I suspect that that is really an argument in favour of federalism in due course — I would not necessarily be too frightened of taking that course .
3 And that 's really a political question .
4 And on the building society side , that 's your instant access fund , y anything you need in the meantime , if we 've said that we want to achieve eight hundred a month income , and that 's really the basic income , any holidays , any incidentals , come from this account .
5 And that 's really the ultimate objective of enterprise client server .
6 And that 's really the story for this afternoon , with sunshine in short supply .
7 And that 's really the scene for this afternoon , with the best of any sunshine being over the Lothians and the south , and still the chance of a shower in the north west .
8 And s and that 's really the main reason why this new sector has been brought up , it 's been ca it 's called first call
9 the green , I can , I , he 's says to buy four of them without thinking about it cos they 're so nice and that 's really the thing that we do n't do when we go to Basingstoke we start going around saying well which one shall I have , but they said that you have n't looked at it like I 've looked at those and you looked at yours because that oatmeal colour will be very , very handy for erm sticking with anything and everything
10 The sleeves and shoulders are very sloping — can you see it 's sort of , the line 's gone very drooping , I mean somebody said it gave the impression of melting butter , and , and that 's really the sort of figure that you 've got .
11 and that was really a generic way , but then we refer to the point of claims of course based upon the bi-laws
12 For example taking out the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track , taking out the the M I D S , the multiple information distribution system and certain aspects of the er defensive aids , to see what impact that would have and we found that if we removed any one of those erm then we would either come down to parity against potential threat or possibly er inferiority and that was really the supporting evidence to retain the full capability .
13 Cos that was really a really nice place .
14 But that 's really a marketing thing , it is n't too scientific . ’
15 ‘ I usually say something about going for boldness and colour , but that is really a question of choosing artists by their style . ’
16 I pretended to despise such modern aids , but that was really a defensive reaction because I knew I could never afford such frills for Masquerade .
17 You do n't have to start at a attitude , but yeah , if you 're watching for them , and you start to see signals , you need to be aware of these , because that 's really the situation , is n't it , that 's why I think you to be aware of influence .
18 Faced with the crisis of inner city decay , for that was really the problem of mid-19th century Paris , many of today 's governments could wish for so favourable a conjuncture .
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