Example sentences of "[conj] as he [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I recall Hamish in one of his writings saying that as he walked along on the way to his next objective he was reading a paperback novel — how more blinkered than that can you get ! ?
2 And when a man like Niki said that as he climbed out of his car , no one present doubted his courage .
3 Peter Lunnen , who took the call , said at Shrewsbury Crown Court that as he shouted down the telephone line to Mrs Wilks , he heard her speaking in the distance .
4 His success and the nature of the job mean they lead a glamorous lifestyle , although as he gets up at 4.15am and goes to bed at 9pm weekdays , Simon might not agree .
5 He was stripped to the waist and as he jogged along between the shafts a few coins — obviously his meagre earnings for the day — jingled pathetically in a leather pouch fastened to the back of his belt .
6 I got in , and as he drove on I was watching his face , fascinated .
7 Hawkbit was the last to return and as he came up Hazel set off at once .
8 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
9 put the handbags of the and as he came round I sort of went .
10 But Henry , on the other hand , was still attired in his clerical outfit , and as he came in licking his fingers Charles cried at him , ‘ Are you still eating , man ? ’
11 He decided to leave them to it , and as he came out on the landing he almost collided with Beryl who must have been eavesdropping .
12 From the bold opening words , in which Christian appears with his Bible in his hand and his great burden on his back , crying , ‘ What shall I do ’ , readers of all denominations and cultures have been entranced by the story right through to the end , when Mr Valiant-for-Truth gives his sword ‘ to him that shall succeed me … and as he went , he said , ‘ Death where is thy sting ? ’ and as he went down deeper , he said , ‘ Grave where is thy victory ? ’
13 All through this conversation he had the impression that Frank no longer sneered ; and as he went back to Liverpool he was sure that he was more tolerant and sympathetic and ‘ was willing to grant that there was some sense in some of the things which I longed for him to share ’ .
14 An old woman opened the door — she seemed to be expecting him — and as he went in he turned and instructed me to wait .
15 The tenacity of his loyalty brought him back again and again to the perfect womanliness of Cis and the unmatchable maleness of Ifor , but in his wider field of operation they were no more than a couple of reference points : the rest of the map had to be filled in — by Philip , by Meredith , by rugby heroes , by the poets , but most of all , and as he went along , by himself .
16 The young copper rushed bull-like at Sam , swung a terrific right which landed above the head , just displacing a lot of air ; lost his balance , fell to the ground — and as he rolled over quickly to make a scramble to his feet , Sam pounced with his booted feet .
17 A branch of the great plane tree had come down in the wind and as he ran back towards the Cages he saw that it had fallen right across the path where moments before he had been standing .
18 The easiest way to turn the car was to drive on up to the hardstand by the church , and as he swung about he realised it was in fact the old foundations of small cottages , completely gone with The Bomber .
19 He smiled broadly and he turned from her , munching at the buttered scone , and as he walked out of the back door he heard the sound of a car coming on to the gravel in front of the house .
20 There was an explosion not too far away and as he got up and opened the door to the rear yard , the rattle of small arms fire .
21 It was a strange place , and as he looked up at it now , he shivered .
22 He stayed , however , and as he looked around at the faces of Frankie and Chopper he worried .
23 His host had darted across the room presumably to bring him a drink and as he looked around he saw other doors , other lights — so this spectacle which did not shock him nor dismay him but which he did not wish to be a part of , might not be the only play .
24 ‘ Not right at this moment , ’ he drawled , and he was so close that their bodies were only inches apart , and as he looked down at her mouth with narrowed eyes she felt her heart begin to race madly .
25 She was flicked back against him , clamped closer with one powerful arm , and as he looked down at her , hard and intent , he made brief , rhythmic movements , flexing chest and thigh muscles to make her slide down his body , her heart hammering … he was practically making love to her on the dance-floor .
26 Then the hard body overpowered her completely , thrusting into her , hands biting into her hips as she sprawled beneath him , her mouth slack and her eyes dazed , and as he looked down and saw the expression on her face he began to groan louder with pleasure , whispering incoherent words in a ragged , dehumanised voice , devastating her with the absolute possession he took , sliding his hands under her rear , his face contorting barbarically as he went into a violent climax in a series of deep , fast thrusts and jerked against her with a fierce cry , his body shaking as with the spontaneous release of an electric current .
27 Even as a small boy , Thomas had been interested in mechanical toys and as he grew up he determined to become an engineer like our father , who was a regular Royal Engineer .
28 Jacob was still not the daughter she had set her heart on , but even though he was a male child he was , at least , physically recognisable as her offspring , and as he grew up he displayed artistic tendencies of a kind which she was sure could have flowered in her had she been given the chance .
29 Wary of causing further commotion , Jack said OK and found to his astonishment at the end of the service that the question had not been ‘ Do ye want a lift ? ’ at all — not at all , at all as they say in the Emerald Isle — but ‘ Do ye want to lift ? ’ , and as he staggered along on his then-arthritic hip bearing the coffin with five other pall-bearers , he kind of wished he 'd stuck to ‘ No thank you , I 'll walk . ’
30 Now machine-guns on the ground showed flame , and as he curled around to line up with his targets he saw smaller aircraft Rumplers or maybe Aviatiks — taxi-ing across the field .
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