Example sentences of "[conj] as [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Yes because if you 've got the scale you just drop , trace it all off where as you got the you 've the you got ta sort out work out i th the scale of everything , have n't you ?
2 Thus there is an inverse relationship between price and yield , as one rises the other falls , or as one falls the other rises .
3 Once they 've joined in the Pirates Club , you 'll be lucky to see them at all , as they go through their paces for the junior cabaret ( where a lot of hidden young talent come to light ) , or as they enjoy the treasure hunts and fancy dress parties .
4 Or as they descend the Eastern Terrace after climbing Psycho-Killer or MND , which of them notices the flowering profusion at the back of the terrace — the stonecrops , campion , roseroot and saxifrages ?
5 Indeed , we see little of their grandeur from the line itself as we cross the Wharncliffe Viaduct on the Great Western Railway , or the beautiful bridge over the Thames at Maidenhead , and plunge into the Classical-Renaissance portal of Box Tunnel ; or as we traverse the great Tring cutting on the old London and North Western .
6 or as you increase the customer at the cinema which increases their sales , you take a share of it .
7 Perhaps it is as you travel to work , or as you take the dog out for a walk , or as you walk on the Downs , or when you have that quiet morning cup of coffee .
8 It is obvious that as we descend the grouping and prolongational hierarchies the structure becomes more elaborate .
9 And who would have thought that as we face the 1990s the social and moral habits of the 1960s should be visited upon us in the guise of AIDS , which threatens to sweep across the world with all the terror and destruction of the black plague in the Middle Ages ?
10 It is salutary to note that as we start the 25th Anniversary year of the University the mean residence time of the 23 staff members of the Department of Biological and Molecular Sciences , including the three staff appointed in the last decade , is now 18 years .
11 John noticed that as they left the rich pastures of Leinster and rode into Munster the degree of destitution worsened considerably .
12 The main summits each have a blue plaque attached to the railings at an appropriate point , so that as you walk the pavement , head turned to the south , you can put a name to your favourite mountain .
13 So that as you sell the the slots , first of all you want you want to be able to point out where which the slot is when you 've er er finally sign the contract .
14 The first thing to remember is that as you turn the boat away from the wind , you let out the mainsheet , the sail only works properly at one angle to the wind and so it 's essential to let out the mainsheet as you bear away .
15 ‘ It is likely that as you hear the story you will experience strong emotions , ’ he tells the jury .
16 Now locate the drilled side just a shade higher so that as you hammer the pin in place it moves down just far enough to produce a perfect joint .
17 He did n't see anyone down there , but he insists that as he passed the alcove at the end of the gallery , he had the strong impression that someone was sitting in there , watching him . ’
18 And is it true that as he ascended the scaffold he quoted from the Book of Jonah ?
19 The Mnchener is suing Atlantic Richfield for nearly $150m , alleging that the company knew that the products the unit was developing would never be commercially viable , and according to the Wall Street Journal citing electronic mail messages , one of which says that as it appears the development ‘ is a pipe dream , let Siemens have the pipe , ’ and another that says ‘ We will attempt to finesse past Siemens the fact that we have had a great deal of trouble in successfully transitioning technology from the laboratory to the factory ’ ; Atlantic Richfield denies attempting to mislead Siemens over the unit .
20 She is more cheered , although at first puzzled , by the fact that as she works the excess of Teint Naturel on her skin , her appearance begins to improve .
21 And as no-one takes the paradigm seriously , no-one is troubled to try to find an explanation for the seemingly anomalous data .
22 She was wearing a large muff and as they left the train Minton remarked , ‘ I thought you were going to smuggle me through the barrier in that . ’
23 He 's thoughtful for Matt , she realised while hastening to keep up with his long strides , and as they left the shadow of the bush she said , ‘ I feel as if I 'm stepping out of one world and into another . ’
24 But what happens in these clouds is that certain parts of them , certain areas of the cloud start to collapse , and as they collapse the temperature rises and the collapse increases , and as the temperature rises through a thousand to a million degrees we find that these are the regions where stars form , and it is really the major discovery , as far as astronomy is concerned , of the radio research that we now know a lot more about the early stages of star formation .
25 Barrows were piled high with fruit and vegetables , and as they passed the fish stall they saw the fishmonger gutting an eel .
26 And as they passed the rows upon rows of back yards , the grey washing on curious pulleys , the backs of hardboard dressing tables , the dust-bins and the coal sheds , it occurred to her to wonder why she should so suddenly feel herself to be peculiarly blessed , and a dreadful grief for all those without blessings took hold of her , and a terror at the singular nature of her escape .
27 He seemed edgy and ill at ease and as they took the lift up to the fourth floor and stepped out into the corridor his eyes darted from side to side as if he was terrified at what he might be about to see .
28 Church bells sounded across the city and as they crossed the road they could see two brightly painted barges chugging away up the canal beneath the overhanging willows .
29 It was a bright autumn day in 1938 and as they rounded the bend and came in sight of the river , Philip took her hand and said , ‘ Look , darling , is n't that wonderful ?
30 As the prophetic people flocked around Jesus , and as they saw the transformation in the lives of his disciples and heard the words of life and hope , they longed for a rebellion against the Roman occupation of Judea or a reformation of the Pharisaical law .
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