Example sentences of "[conj] as [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Never ‘ yank ’ to your sides or as you reach up — the movement should be gentle and minimal .
2 He told me that as we got out of the car , a boy asked , ‘ Who 's the little nigger ? ’
3 I will therefore be looking at the range of measures on offer to ensure that as we come out of the recession they offer unemployed people practical and effective help in getting back to work . ’
4 This latter fact simply means that as we go along the chain of correlated consequences to larger and larger systems the links in the chain become tighter and tighter , less and less subject to quantum mechanical " creakiness ' .
5 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
6 It was so narrow that as they went down it Owen 's shoulders brushed the walls on each side .
7 The individual cow-pats are often still very hot and plastic when they hit the ground , so that as they pile up one on top of each other , they spread out further , and weld together , forming a solid mass known as spatter .
8 They think of their children 's warm squirming bodies and entreat that as they grow up they will not be hurt as they have been — ;
9 At the end of the day it is good to be able to think that as you step back to look at the work — especially if you remember to get down from the ladder first .
10 Seven or eight thousand figures had taken up position kneeling on prayer carpets , so that as you walked in through the great red-stone gate you were confronted by rank upon rank of white-clad backs topped with brightly coloured turbans or embroidered mosque-caps .
11 We suspect , Janet , that you started washing from the top and that as you worked down , any drips streaked the dry , dirty wall below , making it harder to clean .
12 I suspect that as I map out some of those tendencies they will sound familiar to many people , for in some respects the distinction between light-greens and dark-greens is a mirror image of the distinction between animal welfare activists and animal rights activists .
13 I recall Hamish in one of his writings saying that as he walked along on the way to his next objective he was reading a paperback novel — how more blinkered than that can you get ! ?
14 And when a man like Niki said that as he climbed out of his car , no one present doubted his courage .
15 Peter Lunnen , who took the call , said at Shrewsbury Crown Court that as he shouted down the telephone line to Mrs Wilks , he heard her speaking in the distance .
16 I heard you say that as it turns out now
17 If I 'm not teaching I 'm marking in th to actually get a lecture through cos I was given this with about a weeks ' notice you see , so I did n't have a chance to prepare the stuff for this course other than as we go along Right ?
18 ( She seemed to me to be about eighteen years old , although as we walked along she told me she had five children , all happily married . )
19 So by the time an actual ( although as it turned out farcical ) landing took place in North Wales on 25 February , there was little gold in the chest to meet massive withdrawing .
20 His success and the nature of the job mean they lead a glamorous lifestyle , although as he gets up at 4.15am and goes to bed at 9pm weekdays , Simon might not agree .
21 The Saxon peasant worked from dawn until dusk and as one went down the class ladder life was harder .
22 I knew men old he was a chain smoker , he always used to smoke Woodbines and as one went out he 'd light the other one er ou on it , he would n't use matches , no he 'd , he 'd light one cigarette off the other .
23 And as one walks down the precipitous towpath there on the right is the stepping spread of side ponds and beyond that the overgrown remains of ‘ one of the many freaks that the mechanical age has produced ’ , as Rolt describes rather ungraciously the inclined plane that has gained for Foxton an entry in the ‘ Encyclopaedia Britannica ’ .
24 He stood aside , and as they walked back to the office Lucy felt an unexpected wave of gratitude towards Doreen .
25 Kalchu cut and stripped two stalks of maize for Hārkini and Lāla Bahādur and as they ambled along they chewed them like sugar-cane .
26 There were cries of applause and as they died down Donald Stewart turned to Cameron and said , ‘ Now , Angus , let us hear from you . ’
27 At dawn they were in autumn again , and as they rode on , they came back into winter .
28 And as they went on , you know , it was gradually working up and so therefore the graph , each man 's productivity you know , was rising .
29 And as they went out from Bivar they had a crow on their right hand , and when they came to Burgos they had a crow on the left .
30 It was noon before they had completed the morning 's tasks , and as they came out from the buildings to go across to the house , the snow had ceased to fall .
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