Example sentences of "[conj] had be [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 They were also asked how many of those identified had sought medical treatment , counselling , or had been arrested for drug offences during that same period .
2 If a business takes on more debt , its calculations can be thrown out by two things : if the interest cost of servicing the debt rises by more than was expected ; and if the cash flow earned by the business falls by more than had been planned for .
3 Performance itself soon established norms which by 1950 were higher than had been hoped for in 1945 ; and then , as European recovery got underway , the standard became even more precise and , for Britain , more formidable .
4 The Fleadh ( pronounced Flah ) , which was launched in London 's Finsbury Park in 1990 , and has already spawned two related events in the United States , got off to a shaky start in Scotland last year , with a smaller attendance than had been hoped for and complaints about the shale surface on which it was held .
5 Congress approved on Oct. 26 a defence budget for fiscal year 1991 of $288,300 million , $16,700 million less than had been authorized for the previous year [ see p. 37409 ] .
6 Characteristically , he charged considerably more than had been agreed for the work ; the ewer and basin weighed 570 ounces , substantially more than the requested maximum .
7 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
8 The printers " picnic that had been arranged for a Saturday at the beginning of August 1914 had to be cancelled because of the outbreak of war .
9 Gorbachev , speaking at the closing ceremony , acknowledged that there were basic disagreements between the two sides , but thought the meeting had created ‘ opportunities for progress ’ ; Reagan thought that ‘ useful preliminary results ’ had been achieved , and hoped that further progress would be achieved at the meeting that had been arranged for the following year .
10 This placed an unfortunate obstacle in the path of the police who might otherwise , simply on the grounds of suspicion , make a ‘ clean sweep ’ of all known criminals — a policy that had been advocated for some years by Matthew Davenport Hill , the Recorder of Birmingham — as a sure means to guarantee the safety of the streets .
11 It was worn and comfortable-looking , like an old , well-loved piece of furniture that had been kept for years .
12 As I crouched in the slit trench in the semi-darkness I could hear the odd British shell that had been intended for the Germans but had dropped short in the orchard explode with a terrific roar close at hand , causing a shower of dirt to fall from the roof of the trench .
13 He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots , pans , tongs and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge , and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melquíades ' magical irons .
14 Most days Jo left the house with her breasts strapped into a brassiere that had been tailored for her by her mother 's corsetière , two thick white cotton cones attached to a four-inch band , meagrely edged with broderie anglaise .
15 Of course the trade papers revelled in hyperbole but the claims that were being made had a greater validity than those that had been made for music-hall .
16 When combined with the growing criticisms of its injustice , these findings undermined all the claims for enlightenment and scientific efficiency that had been made for rehabilitation as a penal aim .
17 The special arrangements that had been made for the new pathway students had caused resentment among other students , who felt that they were being treated like second class citizens , and enthusiasm from staff members who had been involved in the parallel track had reassured other faculty members .
18 I do not agree with Stella Lowry that ‘ special arrangements that had been made for the new pathway students had caused resentment among other students , who felt that they were being treated like second class citizens . ’
19 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
20 The enlargement of the EC had , quite simply , come at the worst possible time so far as global economic conditions were concerned , and did not bring the dynamic improvements that had been hoped for .
21 The consultative document published in 1987 followed the principle that had been acknowledged for some time , drawing a distinction between essential items which were to remain free , and desirable but not essential items for which charges could be made , a distinction not in practice very easy to make .
22 The Right Hon John Patten MP , Minister of State for the Home Office ( right ) , comments that , ‘ Victim Support has deservedly grown fast because it meets a long-standing and deep need that had been neglected for far too long .
23 Against Sartre 's claim to establish Marxism 's truth philosophically , Althusser reasoned that if Marxism is a science , then the history of Marxism ought to conform to the kind of history that had been developed for the sciences .
24 It is diverted to the alien nest where it drops into the cuckoo 's mouth the food that had been destined for its own young .
25 I saw a Mummy examined that had been embalmed for 2,000 years ; the embalmer had taken out all the Viscera of the head , Thorax and Abdomen and cut all the flesh off the bones , and the cavities of the Thorax & Abdomen were filled up with Tar , Pitch & c and the form of the leg , Thigh & c were altogether made up of linen Rags dipp 'd in Tar , Pitch , & c so that I have an Opinion that they were allow 'd to carry the dead Body home by pretending to embalm it to preserve the Flesh & c , but you see they either buried or burnt the Flesh : this art always ‘ till lately appeared to me ridiculous as I know how soon putrefaction took place after Death ; since that time I have often thought it would be pleasing if we could fall upon a method of preserving dead Bodies & I thought that mankind in general would wish to have the Bodies of their Friends & c Preserved .
26 And he did not look to be equal to the formidable task of escaping the net that had been spread for him .
27 This is a more generous protest even than it seems at first sight , for Jacob 's possessions include Esau 's birthright , and Isaac 's blessing that had been meant for him .
28 Like the ‘ Samson ’ , it is an important rediscovery , once in the Demidoff Collection , that had been missing for decades and was last seen in at the C.L.Cardon sale in Brussels in 1921 .
29 As their experience built up , the Treasury became less and less convinced that the role that had been envisaged for the nationalised industries in overall demand management was a desirable one .
30 And the NRPB 's move also emphasized a process that had been continuing for many years .
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