Example sentences of "[conj] had [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Possibly she had pulled her stitches , or had developed an infection in them .
2 If , therefore , the King had turned to Henderson after MacDonald had proffered his resignation , or had sought the views of Labour Privy Counsellors as suggested by Herbert Morrison , he could have been accused of wasting valuable time .
3 In each case quoted the patient was either dying , in pain , had fallen out of bed , was bleeding or had suffered a heart attack . ’
4 Although the proceedings reinforced Castro 's dominance of the PCC , some decisions ratified by the congress , in particular accepting direct election of all delegates to the National Assembly of People 's Powers , were interpreted as signs that he had either made tactical concessions or had recognized the need for gradual change .
5 He emphatically denied that he had acted improperly or had manipulated the system to his advantage .
6 Once , there must have been a single core-vessel which had lost its way or had lost the use of its warp-vanes so that it could no longer jump back into truespace .
7 He treated all his passengers with the same cheerful courtesy ; if you had VD or had lost an ear in a knife-fight , it would all be the same to him .
8 In 1881 , the leader of the Blue Ribbon Mission came to town and it was estimated that a quarter of the 32,000 population were ‘ blue-ribboners ’ , or had taken the pledge .
9 It appeared from the poor showing of the pro-CPSU communists in the elections that a surprisingly large number of Russians had voted for Sajudis-backed candidates , or had boycotted the voting in overwhelmingly Russian-populated constituencies where only a pro-CPSU communist was standing .
10 No pupils refused to participate in the study , and as pupils were not warned about the administration of the survey we assumed that those registered pupils who did not complete the survey were either absent or had left the school .
11 Under the amended election law the president was provided with the power to appoint new deputies to replace those who had died or had left the Assembly since the last elections in 1972 .
12 As of July 1991 over 80 Assembly members , mostly from the NLD , had died , been imprisoned or had fled the country .
13 They were also content to leave the whole affair as far as they knew it , understood it or had allocated the blame for it .
14 Similarly , one would like to see a state of affairs in which many more people read and enjoyed poetry than had taken a degree in it .
15 The report referred to " the failure , negligence , complacency and indifference noted on all levels of the services that had planned the visit [ Boudiaf 's visit to Annaba ] , organized its schedule and guaranteed the security of the President " .
16 Rain and rivers eroded the soft sandstones that had filled the lagoon basin , scouring them away so that today the reefs are exposed once more , high and dry , facing not the sea but desert covered with clumps of spinifex grass and stunted mulga trees .
17 Alison was up the steps and away , lost in the press of people that had filled the bar since they 'd come in .
18 By the nineteenth century , however , and especially in the life sciences , the metaphysics that had underpinned the work of Copernicus , Kepler , and Newton had become obstructive .
19 This showed that he had not only been in the Catalina that had sighted the Bismarck but was actually piloting it and had taken avoiding action when the Bismarck opened fire .
20 Yasushi Mieno , the bank 's governor , raised interest rates to stem the wave of speculative spending that had sent the price of shares and property soaring in the late-1980s .
21 In 1990 Indiana passed a law that obliged transporters to certify that their rubbish included no medical or hazardous waste , and charged them tipping fees equal to those at the landfill nearest the place that had sent the rubbish .
22 In this ‘ Leninist ’ , as he was dubbed , still shone that naïve peasant trust in the very highest authority that had kept the Romanovs secure for so long .
23 Forces that had kept the size of Fleet Street under continuous pressure for more than 25 years were broken .
24 He pulled up , climbed out , and removed the plastic cone that had kept the space free .
25 Twenty-five minutes later they saw the high blue-concreted wall on the right , the barrier that had kept the secrets of the Red Army from the citizens of Dresden .
26 With that instinct for survival that had kept the Member for Arden in Parliament for so long , Grunte had sold him the car at a nil rate of interest .
27 ‘ But if it 's the giants you 're wanting to fool , then it 'd be the grand old Draoicht Suan , ’ said Pumlumon , and the Gnomes nodded sagely and said that would be it , the Draoicht Suan it would be , the spell that had kept the Trees fast asleep for so many years now , and was n't it a powerful strong spell and Pumlumon the fellow to be spinning it for them all ?
28 The man ignored her , and she cursed the professional thoroughness that had led the florist to de-thorn the blooms .
29 He scowled and once more she was forcibly reminded of his Viking heritage , the cold , hard power that had fortified the Norsemen as they had bounded from their makeshift camps intent on conquest .
30 Do you remember any of the teachers particularly well any of them that had had an impact on you ?
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