Example sentences of "[conj] they be [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 They may have a requirement where they are looking for a very high return on capital employed and need to attract and retain the very best people in order to achieve that .
2 They 'll tell everyone that they 're looking for the stolen uranium .
3 Good Evening : Six hundred travellers ' vehicles heading for Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice have been banned from there , so farmers here have been warned that they 're looking for an alternative location .
4 But nothing , I did n't do anything different really , it was n't anything exceptional really , it 's just I think people really want to er be treated properly and er and then get the service that they 're looking for , basically speaking that 's right .
5 The main reason our children try drugs is that they 're searching for pleasure , and the main reason they carry on is that they 've found it .
6 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
7 E and also you know that course that they 're doing for employment officers , that B tech course .
8 it just fell on its face and it 's such a shame that the land like that er , er rich in everything , neglected themselves to that state that they 're begging for food
9 Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information ; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach .
10 Lastly , just as people looking for jobs are advised to ask around and find out about prospects through the grapevine rather than from official sources , employers too , where appropriate , can let it be known that they are looking for a certain sort of employee .
11 Is it about time that the Government took the opportunities of our youngest children seriously , gave their parents the opportunities that they are looking for and made sure that children receive the very best start , which is something that is taken for granted in other European countries ?
12 LABOUR Party branch members in Crook let it be known that they are looking for new blood to inject a little life and optimism into their ranks .
13 We can observe many examples in non-linguistic behaviour of the use of signals to regulate turn-taking : in many sports , for example , it is necessary to do this — footballers can indicate that they are looking for someone to pass the ball to , or that they are ready to receive the ball , and doubles partners in tennis can indicate to each other who is to play a shot .
14 And erm based on that , erm we would hope that we 're able to give them everything that they are looking for , certainly on the results point of view and also in terms of erm the commitment and the on-going situation for the future , that will help them sell more product .
15 Er two points , one comes onto environment for Mr who says that they are seeking for the environmental benefits to the A sixty one and relates something to the percentages .
16 Having checked that they are heading for Prague , I give a lift to the two young men at the head of the queue .
17 French Socialists prepare to feast on crumbs of comfort The Socialists have been told so often that they are heading for total rout in tomorrow 's election that they will be relieved if they manage the 20 per cent predicted by the polls , writes Diana Geddes in Paris
18 As for the Socialists , they have been told so often that they are heading for a total rout that they will actually be relieved if they manage to get the 20 per cent which the last polls were predicting .
19 When birds are released from cages , they flap and stretch at a very high rate , suggesting that they are compensating for their earlier restriction .
20 Burns has reminded his players — the best paid footballers in the First Division — that they are playing for their future livelihoods .
21 Sometimes the tears come for no reason ( by which phrase we mean that someone is not crying for a particular reason , for something or someone in particular , but that they are crying for everything ) .
22 Can you accommodate both cultures without offending either and without giving private clients ( particularly ) the feeling that they are paying for things that they do not want ( eg plush meeting rooms ) ?
23 This reflected the nature of the environment , the local pride of the individual Australian colonies , and the awareness of the railway builders and architects that they were building for a grander , though then unrealized , future .
24 Did anyone out there , when they saw the movie , realize that they were smoking for real ?
25 The strongest signal of Moscow 's fury with the intransigent Romanian regime came when Pravda , the Communist Party daily newspaper , reported favourably on the demonstrators in Timisoara , saying that they were looking for rapid reforms in the country .
26 The unions said that they were looking for the second week in January to begin an all-out stoppage .
27 McLeish thanked him , scrambled up the embankment , drawing in deep breaths , and walked carefully down the side of the track in the sizeable footsteps of his squad , explaining to them that they were looking for a sharp-edged weapon .
28 When Philip was alone in the wood he imagined all sorts of things about the planes , that they were enemy planes bombing Thirkett , that they were on reconnaissance flights spying , that they were looking for him : a crashed pilot hiding out in the wood .
29 ‘ And so , Jim , ’ said the doctor , ‘ you have the thing that they were looking for , have you ? ’
30 They are said to have explained that they were looking for the conductor to buy their tickets as Stonehouse station did not sell tickets at that time of night .
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