Example sentences of "[conj] they [was/were] the first " in BNC.

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1 Their ecological dominance and biological success for the past 80 to 100 million years may stem from the fact that they were the first group of predatory social insects that both foraged and lived in the realm of rotting vegetation on the ground .
2 I guess Jim meant that they were the first American string company to invent these strings .
3 They were innovators in that they were the first ones who did n't try to represent the melody as written .
4 Given the lavishness of accommodation provided for white and upper-class passengers on railway systems everywhere , it is ironic that they were the first to desert the railways .
5 The Liberal Democrats write to The Scotsman and say that they were the first to back the consortium .
6 It was their loss , believe me , and they were the first to admit my work was never affected .
7 His words emerged from silence , as if they were the first words of the evening .
8 But they were the first people to sell a motor car in Galashiels .
9 ‘ The flights were flagrant violations of the no-fly zone but they were the first armed attacks recorded by the UN since shortly after the no-fly zone was instituted ’ last October , the State Department spokesman , Richard Boucher , said .
10 Perhaps because they were the first in the field , or more probably for deeply rooted socio-political reasons , the classicists have never been seriously challenged — theories have come and theories have gone but the belief in the control function of management has remained — even more so at the level of practice than of theory , although at that level , some insights can be gained .
11 Svetlana and her mother made a genuine impression on me because they were the first woman and child to arrive here from Poland .
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