Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The L3 travel to the brain , where they cause an eosinophilic meningoencephalitis , which may prove fatal . ]
2 Now check for damp , ventilation , condensation and for cracks in walls where they join the main building .
3 A feature of their new show is a hilarious This Is Your Life , where they ad-lib a potted biography of a victim in the audience to a few hints given by the subject 's so-called friends , and the Christmas Story enacted in a series of styles chosen by those there on the night-Joseph and Mary as a double glazing sales force , for example , sounds tasteless but it 's all surprisingly inoffensive and very funny .
4 In the immediate mode on BBC Micro , all control codes ( with the exception of and U ) are echoed to the micro 's VDU software where they initiate the same functions as if they had been sent by the VDU statement .
5 They are watertight except that REPRODUCTION passes gene values across to DEVELOPMENT , where they influence the growing rules .
6 These will have hatched from spawn laid far offshore , in water as deep as two hundred metres and , having spent their larval stage swimming free in the ocean , they spend the next two , sometimes three years inshore where they form an important part of the food for many sea-birds and also for seals and otters .
7 Crustaceans , notably copepods , form the bulk of the browsers : euphausiids ( including ‘ krill ’ ) are especially prominent in antarctic waters , where they form the main food of many birds and mammals .
8 Apparent exceptions to this trend include sites like Chelmsford , with no known stone defences , and Thorpe-by-Newark , where they take a different alignment .
9 They are then moved to a large pit , usually close to the spawning site , where they take a further 6–7 days to become free-swimming .
10 Along with Erzulie , the goddess of erotic love , Ghede is noted for his unpredictable obscenity , behaviour which his acolytes imitate at secret rites where they raise the dead , fly through the air and supply love potions and death spells to those who desire them .
11 At Itxassou there are numbers of these simple memorial stones set in a fringe along the church wall , where they make an affecting counterweight to the overblown and ugly modern gravestones and monuments all around you .
12 It gave a clear hint that the threat could come from either the public or the private sectors , and it set out a number of principles for handling personal information which , as the Younger Principles , have become famous ; they survive in recognisable form in the Schedule of the Data Protection Act of 1984 , where they assume an unusual importance .
13 And where they maintain a cool detachment from their subject , Normski 's in the crowd during his show , dancing alongside the audience .
14 Because the salmon live in the icy waters of Alaska then migrate to the Pacific , where they live a wild and natural existence , many valuable nutrients are retained in the canning process to produce the perfect ingredient to include in a weight-reducing diet .
15 ‘ COMPTON BEAUCHAMP house is a gem privily set in a bosky lap of the bare chalk downs where they meet the fertile flats of the White Horse Vale .
16 Thus , " in shells of N.lapillus var. imbricata the external sculpturing consists of a series of lamellar corrugations laid down in a fairly regular sequence parallel to the growing edge of the shell which , where they overlap the spiral ridges , are raised to form thin vaulted scales " ( Largen , 1971 ) .
17 Once they start making money , the Centre will then help them move into ‘ safe houses ’ , where they pay a single fee to cover rent and bills .
18 Mum was getting on by this time and her own health was n't excellent , and I moved to Manchester so we could be near the RMCH where they do a vast amount with CF. We hired a retired nurse to act as housekeeper and she did his physio when I was n't there , and between us we managed to keep him going . ’
19 At the same time , recall suppression was discovered when deaf subjects were instructed to hold blocks of wood while watching the presentation of items , in a way similar to suppression experienced by hearing people in tasks where they have a redundant phrase to say aloud at presentation .
20 We arrive at the works and call in at their pollution control offices where they have a small full-time staff looking after pollution in the works .
21 It may have come as a surprise to some , especially those nations where they have a fixed XV to which they only add as time goes by ’ .
22 The East Europeans complain that these accords penalise them just where they have a competitive advantage — in textile , steel and meat exports .
23 I 'd say you 're looking for a business where they have a heavy demand for rough paper .
24 Like other Ministers , Chancellors do not confine themselves solely to matters where they have a departmental interest .
25 Many authorities provide in their Standing Orders for the attendance of councillors at meetings of committees of which they are not members where they have a particular interest in certain matters on the agenda .
26 It also allows the designer and the builder to be involved in the project only at those stages where they have a particular expertise .
27 Also , we observed that males close to the breeding site seem deliberately to sit out on roads , where they have a clear view , and wait to jump on females as they pass .
28 There are perhaps 11,000 of them in the UK today and twice that number worldwide : they were exported to countries such as the USA ( where they have an enthusiastic following ) , Canada and Australia before the First World War and are also in the USSR , the Falkland Islands , Sweden and Germany .
29 They have equal standing in the Bundestag , where they have the same chances of being appointed to committees and promoted to ministerial rank .
30 Teaching effectively in higher education calls for the extraordinary ability on the part of the teacher to bring students to the point where they can distinguish sense from nonsense for themselves , where they can say and do things for themselves and give reasons for so doing which are full of insight , and where they have the intellectual resources to take off under their own steam .
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