Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the nervous nineties , when the Me generation has grown into the Us generation , we will be looking for Our Shop rather than just an emporium where they stock personal stereos by the thousand .
2 We were taken to the XX hospital where they took many photos and asked questions .
3 Contraction at just one tenth of this rate seemed small beer to astronomers , and was presented by the popular media ( where they took any notice at all ) as another example of a way-out scientific idea that had been undermined by more careful studies .
4 Botswana Two BGS staff remained on secondment to the Botswana Geological Survey Department , where they fill established posts of principal regional geologist and hydrogeologist .
5 They are almost unmineralised except where they contain tectonic slices of the underlying Lewisian basement .
6 And they said you know th there should have been a way round it where they kept this couple in there .
7 ‘ The country areas are a softer option for them where they know some areas are no-gos for us because of manoeuvrability and the terrain .
8 Dr Gilvear 's study found that most often the breaches in the embankments occurred where they overlaid old channels and were vulnerable to erosion .
9 The veins are often auriferous where they cut graphitic shales but not where the host rocks consist of non-graphitic arenites .
10 ‘ I want police like they are on television , like The Bill , where they get stuck right in , ’ says one boy .
11 For example , 99.9% of my friends have come from homes where they had major childhood traumas .
12 On the one hand , the new owners of great country houses accepted the life of the landed gentleman , even where they had little land .
13 I kept banging my way to and from the can , where they had incredible pictures of nude chicks front magazines all over the wall .
14 After we got that fixed , we stopped in Yellow Stone Park where they had these loos that were just holes in the ground and I dropped the keys to the van down one of them .
15 After we got that fixed , we stopped in Yellow Stone park where they had these loos that were just holes in the ground and I dropped the keys to the van down one of them .
16 We took him to a Chinese restaurant where they serve those drinks in coconuts — they 're quite strong and he does n't really drink , but we made him have one anyway , and he quite enjoyed it .
17 If , so far as the Continent is concerned , the Viking impact is essentially a West Frankish phenomenon , that is because the Vikings went where they knew moveable wealth was to be had .
18 Eventually they reached a stage where they became integrated units .
19 The group of countries where the Swedes felt most alien were Central Europe , Africa and the Middle East , and where they felt less alien was in Latin America , while by far the most important factor was the happiness of the spouse .
20 Monitors frequent both Oriental and Australian regions where they take many forms , including the giant Komodo Dragon on the Indonesian island of that name .
21 However , they are less obviously to be seen in the academic community as a whole than in the discrete disciplinary sub-cultures , where they take different forms ( Becher 1989 ) .
22 More than three-quarters of those who are currently in post , even where they receive some remuneration , are amateurs in status , and in many cases in training as well , The extent and quality of their musical education is therefore extremely varied .
23 It turned out to be the food market , where they sold swollen watermelons and aubergines and strange shaped fruits .
24 We used to go on Lord Street and he used to be where they sold luscious cakes .
25 The scents of north African cooking , of couscous , of saffron and cumin and turmeric j street-markets , where they sold powdered dyes and spices , sticks of sandalwood for burning , little piles of henna powder and ground indigo .
26 In March 1939 the CRREC claimed that ‘ Not only are Jewish children with no particular religious affiliation being placed in non Jewish homes and schools , utterly abandoned as far as their religious education is concerned , but even children who have been brought up in a religious atmosphere … are being callously placed in non Jewish schools and homes , where they suffer mental torture which , in at least one case , has brought the child to the verge of a nervous breakdown . ’
27 The caddie house was their bar where they drank bottled beer bought at the club door — but more of the Artisans later .
28 or where they change half way down , so you have n't got to keep taking your glasses on and off
29 In London the situation was very similar to those of Glasgow and Edinburgh , particularly in that many deaf adults had been educated at the Old Kent Road Asylum where they received religious instruction from two earnest ministers , the Rev. Henry Mason , Rector of Bermondsey , and the Rev. John Townsend .
30 In the summertime , it is alive with hot fumes and rampant dogs and fashionable bathers crawling up Highgate Road on their way to the Heath , where they claim respective ponds and languor till the sky slowly turns to a soothing summer gold .
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