Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 Wires from the ganglion cells run along the surface of the retina to the " blind spot " , where they dive through the retina to form the main trunk cable to the brain , the optic nerve .
2 He announced that he was prepared to admit that the invisible undetectable substance existed on the moon , but insisted that it was not disturbed in the way suggested by his rival but in fact was piled up on top of the mountains so that they were many times higher than they appeared through the telescope .
3 A more subtle qualitative measurement would have to discover , therefore , whether , in terms of the economics of everyday life , ordinary working-class families in 1914- 18 gained more in higher wages , economic freedom and consequent self-perceived dignity than they lost through the contraction of the school meals service .
4 Late morulae are generally regarded as 16- to 32-cell embryos which have not cavitated and it is at this stage ( -84 h post-hCG ) that they pass through the uterotubal junction from the oviduct into the uterus .
5 As a result of nail sickness , the heavy Westmorland slates were regularly coming loose and crashing down with such force that they sliced through the lead gutters below .
6 They made much of the participation of so-called ‘ community leaders ’ in the raid , and of the ‘ accountability ’ that they demonstrated through the involvement of hand-picked representatives of the media .
7 Again , they could have gone into the supermarket , but they thought the police had had a good look at them , so they sprinted through the crowds who took as little notice as they expected , and across the street just after the lights had changed 50 that the traffic beginning to move , hooted .
8 ‘ What I would like to see , ’ she says , ‘ is more regular checks done on those who work in care or offer homes to young people , because once they get through the vetting , if anything goes wrong , then it 's always you who 's to blame .
9 Police officers opened boxes and bags in the attics where furnishings were being stored for a new extension , and they went through the rest of the house just as painstakingly .
10 A shamanist philosophy helped to even the odds against them , and they spread through the Aleutian Islands and along the Arctic coast of North America ( Figure 7.1 ) , forming the distinctive northern folk formerly known as Eskimo , now called Inuit in recognition of their pan-Arctic racial identity .
11 And then there 's a bit more shouting and they ran through the entry .
12 He switched the radio on and they drifted through the night together , flying over the miles to London .
13 Hassan now smiled his wide smile of understanding and genuine friendship , and they walked through the gate .
14 He slipped his arm around her and they walked through the park to sit on a secluded seat there .
15 Well trams Dave they do both , they go on the railway lines and they go through the town centre .
16 The restaurant closed in the end , so Arthur took Fred to Fortnum 's and they floated through the food department arm in arm .
17 ‘ Very well played , Piper , ’ remarked Mills Roberts as he and his Officers left the saluting base and made their way across the village green in the direction of Brigade H.Q I remained at attention until they disappeared through the gates of the big house .
18 They needed no second bidding but rode as fast as they could , not pausing until they thundered through the half-open gate of Godstowe Priory , putting the porter into such serious agitation he appeared almost sober for once .
19 Unless they see through the game , such children grow up to be victims and martyrs themselves .
20 These are the invisible sans-papiers , the ones nobody sees because they work through the daylight hours or are virtual prisoners .
21 Sticking with clothing , those hapless popsters OCEAN COLOUR SCENE are grieving over the loss of more than £2,000 worth of T-shirts which managed to fall out of the back of their van while they drove through the Moseley area of Birmingham last week .
22 I tried several places before they tumbled through the ballroom doors .
23 The more information they have about you before they come through the door , the more comfortable they will feel about that process .
24 It is difficult even to name them , for I sense that they are urges and longings that spring up from the deep , like streams of water gathering in the darkness below ground before they emerge through the rock into the light of day .
25 Derelict , he had thought when they drove through the main street .
26 As Miller related it to his mates later , they were both asleep when they drove through the gates .
27 When they went through the first gate at the bottom of the hill they were out of people 's eyes for the first time since they had met .
28 er sale occurred when they went through the electrical register and asked people who lived in flats whether they wanted a green cone , they did n't even have a garden , let alone a window box but nevertheless erm I the green cone extends ought to be reported on , ought to be encouraged and such like because it is the individual person who is going to recycle using their own garden in their own small way as opposed to transporting the stuff maybe to a waste tip and such like where it has to be dealt with at a an expensive way and if a the best part of the expense of dealing with waste of course is actually to transport and transport throughout the roads and if you do it in your own gardens so much the better and I , I , I should like to er and taking part in the green cone experiment er further experiments like that whereby the individual person is encouraged to do it .
29 Few know when they may see their husbands , or what to expect when they walk through the gates .
30 These are given away to house buyers when they or prospective house buyers when they walk through the door .
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