Example sentences of "[conj] not [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Believing revanche to be either unrealizable , or not worth the price to be paid , it looked to colonies , social progress and economic expansion for French achievement .
2 Do you think it would be a good idea to privatize planning control in the sense of letting it be up to developers to choose whether they should go ahead or not on the basis of what they conceive to be constraints , or that that should be within the entire realm of the local planning authority ?
3 We may or not with the squad system but I intend to play all my cards . ’
4 I now know for certain that Selina Street is n't tucking Alec Llewellyn , or not for the time being anyway .
5 Examples of such additional directions are for amendment of pleadings , further and better particulars , discovery by a defendant excused from this step under Ord 25 , r8 , more medical or other experts than Ord 25 , r8 allows , trial out of London or not at the trial centre for the District Registry in which the action is proceeding .
6 Some would take up for ever more space than they were entitled to — like my mother 's wedding dress , shrouded in sheet linen , suspended in time , uncrushed by the other more workaday but less significant garments that crowded together as though they were cold , waiting in a queue , inmates of a zenana to be taken up or not at the Pasha 's pleasure , promiscuously gathered , at the mercy of their owner .
7 Or not at the beginning .
8 Between the feet are the remains of a green parrot — whether immolated or not at the death of his mistress is uncertain — but it still retains its plumage ; it is a far less repulsive-looking object than the larger bi-ped .
9 This introduction to the subject enables pupils to make a more informed choice to continue studying Chemistry or not at the end of S2 .
10 What of Leeds though I hear you cry , or not as the case maybe .
11 but you 're saying in , in , in short , are you , that erm , that in the present instance erm the obligation was put on the United Kingdom government which has sort , it may have succeeded or not as the case maybe , discharge the obligation by in effect erm subject to the subsidiary provisions which you 've both make reference and leaving it to er regulate these matters
12 The jurors only had to consider whether the woman had consented or not to the intercourse taking place .
13 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
14 Section 433 is concerned with the admissibility in evidence of a special class of document derived from insolvency in , as the section provides ‘ any proceedings ’ ( whether or not under the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Theft Act 1968 ) .
15 In a sense it does n't matter if Callinicos ' defence of Marxism is registered or not by the legion of Post-isms and -ists which form the undergrowth of contemporary cultural politics .
16 The Law Society published guidelines in question and answer form as to accounting for commission received on 23 October 1991 in 88 L S Gazette 33. ( b ) Professional undertakings An undertaking given by a solicitor in the course of his practice or by his employee on his behalf or by a solicitor qua solicitor ( whether or not in the course of his practice ) and made with the intent that it should be relied upon is binding in law upon that solicitor personally .
17 a ) the remuneration of , and any expenses incurred by , listing officers in carrying out their functions under the Act ( including the remuneration and expenses of persons , whether or not in the service of the Crown , to assist them ) ;
18 ‘ The second is that they 're not all beautiful — or not in the way you mean .
19 I never doubted what I was feeling , but I was shocked when it did n't fade over the years , and I went through phases of trying to convince myself that it was some sort of obsession , a perverse desire for the one woman I believed I could never have — or not in the way I wanted you , loving me as well as wanting me . ’
20 prior to that article January eighty eight , was it being your personal desire for about whether or not in the year nineteen eighty seven going into the nineteen eighty eight or to have national or wider advertising , your personal view
21 Putting aside these cases of major civil strife it is possible to discern some consistency in the pattern of apparently arbitrary economic decisions taken by governments , whether or not in the form of ‘ great leaps ’ .
22 Whether he or she is welcome or not in the situation ( and , according to circumstance and the individual part of each member in it , the " Welfare " will be seen as a saving and succouring agency , an interfering nuisance or an outright threat ) , the social worker is usually seen as in a position of some power — as in a position to alter the situation or at least to make some expert attempt to alter it .
23 Erm I do n't know whether we had gremlins in there or er or not in the end I really could n't decide actually to be honest .
24 Whereas more women than before can choose whether to work or not after the child-bearing years , raised expectations of living standards may make this feel less like a choice and more of a basic requirement .
25 A century and a half later , of course , many new fossil discoveries and much critical analysis have greatly advanced our understanding of dinosaurs , although not to the extent that the controversy and emotion first stirred up by Owen has entirely abated .
26 The chains generally concentrated in particular regions , although not to the extent of local monopoly .
27 Common action on issues at a local level seemed threatened , but at no time did the war seriously compromise the determination of labour leaders to defend living conditions ; in many instances the struggle was intensified , although not to the point of sabotaging the war effort .
28 Revamped neofascist parties , such as the DVU , also rely upon primarily electoral strategies , although not to the exclusion of courting skinheads or expediting violence .
29 Nuno 's ability is a matter of opinion , but the point about the Trantec ads is a matter of fact , although not for the reason your correspondent quotes .
30 The media were also out in force , although not with the blessing of the Thompson family or their friends and associates .
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