Example sentences of "[conj] so [adj] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone in Hong Kong with a problem — be it so trivial as to know which horse to place a bet on , or so crucial as to know whom to marry — can ask the god Won Tai Sin , whose temple is to be found in the middle of a vast housing estate in north Kowloon , and who came to fame by turning boulders into sheep .
2 It would , for example , be no defence for the seller to say that his farm fertiliser was perfectly safe and effective when applied in the right concentration ( at the right time of the year ) if the instructions supplied with the fertiliser stated in error the wrong concentration , whether too weak to be effective or so strong as to kill the crops .
3 The central importance attached to the inefficiency of labour markets is either so generally abstract as to have little or no practical application or so partial as to ignore the necessary interdependence between labour supply and a whole range of institutions .
4 ‘ Nevertheless it has to be recognised that there is an unbroken series of dicta in judgments of appellate courts to the effect that there is a judicial discretion to exclude admissible evidence which has been ‘ obtained ’ unfairly or by trickery or oppressively , although except in Reg. v. Payne [ 1963 ] 1 W.L.R. 637 , there never has been a case in which those courts have come across conduct so unfair , so tricky or so oppressive as to justify them in holding that the discretion ought to have been exercised in favour of exclusion .
5 My conclusion of the strength of her faith is that her convictions are in fact not so deep-seated or so fundamental as to constitute an immutable decision by her as to her way of life — or her way of death .
6 And the effect for Locke is this , and again I , I quote the legislative being only a fiduciary power , that is to say a power based on trust a fiduciary power to act for certain ends , there remains still in the people a supreme power to remove or alter the legislative when they find the legislative act contrary to the trust imposed in them and thus the community perpetually retains a supreme power of saving themselves from the attempts and designs of every body even if their legislators whenever they shall be so foolish or so wicked as to lay and carry on designs against the liberties and properties of the subject .
7 If it is obvious to both of them that what the speaker has just said is false , or so obvious as to need no comment at all , the hearer will look for implications , that is to say what is implied other than what is expressed .
8 It is comparatively rare for it to be so long or so short as to cause difficulty in sexual intercourse — about 2½ in. is long enough — while satisfactory coitus does not demand complete intromission of a penis which is rather long .
9 The chairs we have now were actually designed with our chat show in mind , not so low that knees come up to chins and reveal too much sock , nor so wide as to encourage fidgeting , with an upright back to prevent slouching , and arm rests to give the nervous something to grip .
10 The ‘ Coriatachan in Sky ’ passage , the first of the great Hebridean discourses in Johnson 's Journey , displays a writer confident that he is imparting information and reflection in sufficient quantities to excite both the reader 's thought and imagination — and yet not so lengthy as to bore them , nor so brief as to frustrate them .
11 Even if it is arguable for the purposes of theological discussion that the mode of being in which contemplative knowledge of God becomes a reality is superior to the demands of the active life , Augustine recognised that in the fallen world the two were indissolubly linked and complementary : for no one ought to be so leisured as to take no thought in that leisure for the interest of his neighbour , nor so active as to feel no need for the contemplation of God .
12 Boniface made claims which were so large and so tactless as to produce enemies like dragon 's teeth , and the French king 's own ambitions eventually drove Boniface into Edward 's camp .
13 And we ourselves will instinctively be perceived as ‘ anti-Christian ’ , as writers engaged in a fully fledged crusade which pits us , as militant adversaries , against the ecclesiastical establishment — as if we were personally bent on toppling the edifice of Christendom ( and so naive as to think such a feat possible ) .
14 The notion of art upon which the Report draws is at once so general as to be almost unspecifiable , and so pragmatic as to offer a highly potent means of making practical and discursive links between English and education : " The writing of English is essentially an art , and the effect of English literature in education is the effect of an art upon the development of human character " .
15 Secondly , the old churches may not be unbelieving but so cautious as to move too slowly to win new people for Christ .
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