Example sentences of "[conj] so [adv] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 The same applied a week or so later when I won the 100 metres at Gateshead against France and Czechoslovakia .
2 I got on well with him and he was partly responsible a year or so later when I moved to a morning paper in Wales .
3 A year or so before that I was at a conference in America where deconstruction bulked largely on the agenda .
4 It was hard going , but as readers of her undoubtedly interesting although immensely tendentious book will discover , some progress was made , although so far as I was concerned with astonishing fluctuations in my popularity .
5 I know that so long as I do n't manage to count up to one hundred before the spasm ceases , I shall live .
6 Bread never went mouldy in Algeria , which meant that so long as I was prepared for a good chew , I could always buy enough to last to the next village .
7 I will tell you plainly that so far as I am concerned that objective is the promotion of books … . ’
8 Luke 's no fool ; he could see that so far as I was concerned Elise was more than just a client .
9 When he turned to look at her , the firelight cast shadows across his body , so that she saw his arms not as arms , but as wings … and they will enfold me so strongly and so sweetly that I shall never want to be free …
10 It happened so fast and so drastically that I nearly slid after him , managing only instinctively to pivot on one foot and throw myself headlong back onto the boards still remaining solid behind the hole .
11 ‘ Since the situation is unavoidable I suggest that now you 're better you make yourself as useful as possible , preparing meals and so on while I get on with my work .
12 erm so no certainly they asked me about it and so on but I think that rather like their food forum they might like to get a communications forum going erm because they 've been thinking about having a Business Club and various other things because they 're involved with the Management Programme and all sorts of things and they maybe going to do some training for heads and people like that
13 This created two new corners , which I treated in the same way , and so on till I achieved the shape marked out .
14 She insists on tacking up a bit of tinsel and so on and I see she 's done the same for you .
15 not to leave our handbags er in the car , not to leave the windows open and so on and I think that really dodges the issue of why people commit criminal acts .
16 I never meant it to happen , and I never meant to hurt you , Helen , honestly I did n't but it just kind of happened to me , and I thought I had to tell you , because I did n't want to … to cheat you and so on and I 'm really very fond of you , and I 'm sorry .
17 Arrange the right papers for me at the Legation , travelling money and so on and I 'll come the low-risk way by rail .
18 forgive me Mr if I want to ask somebody some questions about the brochure and er the layout and so on and I find out Counsel has n't , I gather from Mr that Mr would be the person I ought to ask , is that right ?
19 And so on and I 'm pleased to say that they came back saying , Yeah we can still hold our head up high .
20 Deep breath , hold it and so on until I 'm photographed from neck to thigh .
21 But there will obviously be sort of an ongoing training and so on because I , I know that in some ways I think it 's been very mixed and I qu I put
22 Motability has earned one peerage and an OBE or two , but otherwise virtue is its own reward , and so far as I am concerned , it has been the most successful achievement of my career and the most fortunate thought that ever came into my head .
23 They were , fortunately , not identical , though why I should be pleased they were unidentical I do n't know , as identical twins are conceived of the same coupling ; unidentical very often of two separate couplings , and so far as I was concerned the less sexual congress Hugo and his Stephanie had the better .
24 And so far as I can tell , you know , from looking at my children 's schooling , the girls seem to be good at maths in the early stages .
25 Then , and so then but I have n't been seeing Mrs .
26 Both in Pilton and in present day er Pilton Circus which is er er there 's a lot of er controversy going over er m making them , privatizing them and so forth but I l I was er the building of these things and did all the er the work for them .
27 I do n't know , but so long as I can cure the disease I do n't much care !
28 But so far as I 'm concerned , Fedorov is the more important ; do n't do anything to prejudice our chances of taking him . ’
29 Britain 's former world sports car champion Brundle said last night : ‘ I 've heard the stories , but so far as I 'm concerned they 're just that — stories and rumour .
30 But so far as I know they have never been reprinted , and I have let slip from my memory now the name of the author ( a salutary warning against undue pride for those of us writing today ) .
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