Example sentences of "[conj] would [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everyone knew in the business at the time , ’ she continued remorselessly , ‘ but you had such a problem with your ego you could n't or would n't accept it !
2 I tapped on the armour-plated glass but he could n't or would n't hear me , so I pressed the button marked ‘ Reception ’ and the old buffer jumped vertically like a Harrier with wind .
3 Er I 'm glad you raised the point about the distribution between the districts , and apart from your comment er I know Mr Davis is opposed to the idea , I have n't discerned a view either way from anyone else , whether they would like them or would not like them .
4 There may be practical difficulties in enforcing such a law but that would not make it invalid .
5 In his hooded hand he felt a terrible clutching cramp that would not allow him to move his fingers .
6 He 's table he goes and there 's a dick head in glasses that would n't serve you at the tuck shop cos it was closing .
7 Well he would n't do that , a , that 's council that would n't do it !
8 but when I was eleven years old I did n't look at the sixth form and do jus just because they were doing something I wanted to do it , I might have admired them but if they were smoking that would n't make me want to smoke .
9 She would have to go carefully , ask her questions in a way that would n't make him suspicious , maybe change the subject for now .
10 So I tried for a calming course , feeling thankful to this man for his dogged clasp on difficulties that would n't cause me any recall of my dead love in a million years , and I pursued the wisp of a path suggested by the word ‘ nanny . ’
11 That last taut exchange with Roman seemed to have whipped up some invisible energy that would n't let her relax , prickling through her like an electric storm .
12 The soldiers came and tried to get my camera but I was fighting back and would n't give it to them .
13 What work should be done within a year of moving in — jobs that can wait a while and would n't inconvenience you too much if they were done around you .
14 But Lydia was drinking great mouthfuls of beer and would n't tell her .
15 And I tried to fix it to the door and it would n't , I tried to do it up with Blu-Tack and would have none of it , I tried to do it with Sellotape and would n't do it the Sellotape kept on coming away something in the varnish I think that resisted that so then I thought , right I 'll I 'll tie the thing up in someway , I forget how , and blew away went down the drive !
16 Playing the Tory game does not work in securing power , and would n't do us any good in the long term even if it did .
17 My life has changed and I live around the horses and would n't change it for the world now .
18 They clammed up after a bit and would n't show me everything , but he thinks I put it all in the water hoping Harry would get tangled in it . ’
19 He 'd notice and would n't mention it because mentioning would bring everything into the open again .
20 Margaret Telford ( Mrs Woolley ) regretted not having returned after the war to complete Greats , but has ‘ had a thoroughly happy life and would n't want it altered ’ .
21 I wanted to be sure that I was doing the right thing and would n't regret it .
22 We needed the support of DJs and radio stations , but they saw someone doing something different and would n't accept it .
23 that choked the air and would n't let him eat
24 But rather than have Mercedes back in the factory , the company preferred to pay her wages through the Ministry of Labour and would n't let her return to work or even come near the factory .
25 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
26 She kissed me and would n't let me pay for the ticket .
27 He wanted to make sure he knew who 'd been the problem and would n't let me off the hook .
28 So if I wrote a letter and would n't let you see it , how would you feel ?
29 The other snag , ironically , arises from the very success of the smallpox vaccination campaign — because , as a result , most of the population of the Third World is already immune to vaccinia and would n't allow it to flourish long enough to produce the hepatitis antigen .
30 If Maud and Enid thought she was mad and would n't help her , then no one would and the only course of action was to go ahead with the kidnapping plan .
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