Example sentences of "[conj] their [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Somerset commoners succeeded in fighting off most attempts at drainage where their contemporaries in the eastern counties had failed .
2 Instead they were down the road taking part in the pilot for a new Channel 4 indie pop programme , where their contribution to the proceedings was a ‘ spirited ’ rendition of the RIGHT SAID FRED hit ‘ Do n't Talk Just Kiss ’ .
3 so that even if we get a young person coming out of the workshops that may not be the best electrician going , we can find them something in a related area — an electrical warehouse , where their knowledge of the bits that they know will be put to good use and they 'll still be in that environment they want to work in .
4 This is particularly true of social policies , where their impact upon the public depends upon the way they interrelate .
5 They 're children and young people with a very poor self image and where their investment in the education system has probably been partial to say the least .
6 But the role of the TCR genes or their products in the earlier DN to DP transition is uncertain .
7 A role for bacteria or their products in the aetiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease was suggested over 50 years ago but still remains unproven .
8 The foliot carried two weights ( regulators ) on each side , and the speed of the oscillation could be adjusted by altering either the weights or their distance from the verge .
9 That can not have pleased the Megarians or their daughter-cities in the region , like Byzantium .
10 These should include an indication of how the participants of the consensus group were selected and whether their conclusions were based on their original research or their interpretation of the available literature .
11 While there was , from the platform , evidence of considerable care and attention being paid to the potential physical hazards of the industry , little or nothing was said by the industry 's speakers about the effects of chemicals or their by-products on the environment .
12 The most obvious is that he felt it himself : to him his fictions were what the Silmarils were to Fëanor or their ships to the Teleri , ‘ the work of our hearts , whose like we shall not make again' .
13 avoid the practice of giving gifts or commercial incentives to prospective pupils or their parents with the intention of inducing them to enrol and to take account of the possible damage to pupils in other educational establishments as a result of marketing activities .
14 Others in Vitebsk suspected that gold seized would not go to the Volga famine relief but into the Bolsheviks ' pockets or their mouths in the shape of much-fancied gold teeth .
15 Note that there is no reason for anyone to restrain their thoughts or their reflections on the reasons which apply to the case , nor are they necessarily debarred from criticising the arbitrator for having ignored certain reasons or for having been mistaken about their significance .
16 Individuals may be identified by their handwriting , or their answers to the range of questions may serve to point clearly in their direction .
17 You have tried to read out a complete package using option 1.3.1 when one or more modules are HCOA ( Hard Copy Only Available ) or their selection within the package does not exist .
18 Of any change affecting the professional competent person(s) or their position within the company ( by letter ) .
19 Firstly , knowledge on the part of the seller , bailor , transferor or their agent of the purpose for which the goods are sought .
20 All viewers have the right to refuse any violation against their person , their private life or their image through the broadcasting of debilitating , impairing , violent or sexist programmes .
21 With Shearer in this form , it will be a brave man who bets against Rovers in either this competition or their bid for the Premier League title .
22 It is not our intention here to debate the merits of these models , or their relation to the General Theory .
23 It may be appropriate to involve the resident or their representative in the case conference .
24 It must be clearly stated , however , that few other governments had , since the summer of 1989 , made a point of informing either their national Parliaments or their people about the preparations for the inter-governmental conferences or about their progress .
25 The most important common feature among them was that they did not have absolute rights over the land which they farmed , but that they were in some way dependent on a lord , who had a right to some part of their labour or their profits from the land .
26 Crevasses claim lives and the majority of crevasse deaths happen to those who travel on glaciers unroped , closing their eyes or their minds to the risks .
27 It is often viewed as attractive because the base is that which individuals consume ( or their revenue from the economic system ) rather than a reflection of what they contribute , i.e. income .
28 However , unlike the relay races to which we are accustomed , a player in this team will not , at the outset , know the names of the other players , nor their location within the organization ( Rosenfeld , 1984 ) .
29 Yet sentence linguists would regard these features as unimportant : their objective being to analyse the rules of the English language , not the actual meanings which A and B are trying to convey in this particular situation , nor their departures from the standard form of the language .
30 As types of enterprise , neither these nor their implications for the labour employed in them are well understood .
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