Example sentences of "[conj] have the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No one else would go to those lengths or have the same passion about things . ’
2 Any procedure of numerical integration will involve approximations that have the same effect as unknown small changes in the initial conditions ( although they are introduced continuously , not just at an initial instant ) .
3 This means that all combinations or configurations of emitted particles that have the same energy , angular momentum , and electric charge are equally probable .
4 They produce small mammal assemblages of low diversity and low equitability , but they also hunt in regions that have the same characteristics , so there is no discrepancy between the predator assemblage and the original faunal composition .
5 We already allow animals from countries that have the same policy as us , such as Ireland , to be imported into this country .
6 Of course because there are no living trilobites we can not find direct confirmation of this hypothesis , but we can look for other arthropods that have the same modifications of the eyes , for example , in the present day oceans .
7 Horses prefer as companions horses that have the same coat colour as themselves , and tend to avoid those that are radically different .
8 The result of a JOIN operation is a new wider table in which each row is formed by concatenating the two rows that have the same value in the common domain .
9 This information can be used in equation ( 3 ) to calculate the cost of equity finance : Assuming a corporation tax rate of 40 per cent , we now have all the information to use equation ( 1 ) to calculate the firm 's cost of capital : This is the appropriate cost of capital for this firm providing that it is only considering further investments that have the same risk characteristics as those previously evaluated , and that its gearing ( that is , the ratio of debt to equity ) is not expected to change in the foreseeable future .
10 Will you agree that we do that , rather than have the same thing coming up time after time .
11 We have a very similar Northern background , are roughly the same age and have the same sense of humour .
12 These are the rhyolites , which are right at the other end of the spectrum from basalts ; that is to say they are acid , contain a lot of silica and have the same composition as granite .
13 ( 3 ) All other estates , interests , and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests ; ( 4 ) The estates , interests , and charges which under this section are authorised to subsist or be conveyed or created at law are ( when subsisting or conveyed or created at law ) in this Act referred to as " legal estates , " and have the same incidents as legal estates subsisting at the commencement of this Act ; and the owner of a legal estate is referred to as " an estate owner " and his legal estate is referred to as his estate .
14 According to this law , both partners in a marriage have a duty to help each other , must share the housework and have the same obligations and duties concerning the raising and education of their children .
15 Special Constables are issued with warrant cards and have the same powers to make arrests as police .
16 Starring at the County Ground tomorrow is Kenny Dalglish and his Blackburn team … his very first match as Rovers manager was at Swindon … both clubs have gone up in the world since then but what Town would give to turn the clock back and have the same scoreline again … 2-1 it was to swindon Chalky White and Colin Calderwood got the Town goals …
17 There are transvestites , or female mimics , who look just like females , are the same size and have the same coloration .
18 Both strategies involve the same cost and have the same risk ( resulting from the unknown value of the cash index at the end of the year ) .
19 All firms are entirely equity-financed and have the same balance sheets : assuming that there are 100,000 shares outstanding .
20 Any fixtures supplied under a grant of a lease and attached to the building are usually part of the single grant and have the same VAT treatment as the lease ( Notice 742A , para 6(b) ) .
21 Fortunately , the couple agree on furnishings and decorations and have the same taste .
22 They are very similar and have the same requirements .
23 One of the problems it seems , that I can see about this , is that the little sort of semi- diagram , you could almost reverse the , the and have the same sort of problem in other words .
24 These documents are included with the new guidance in sections 1 and 4 , and have the same status .
25 Those rules relating to such matters as freedom of speech and assembly derive from , and have the same status as , any other rule of law .
26 They are more explicit than , but have the same implication as , the more general guidelines we made .
27 Accordingly , the CMI electronic bill of lading can be issued by as many carriers as have the necessary hardware and software , and it can be ‘ endorsed ’ by as many endorsees as have the same facilities .
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