Example sentences of "[conj] are [verb] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 On the level of fact rather than speculation , many schools have experienced or are experiencing the stresses of amalgamations of various sorts , both whole school and for instance in the creation of sixth form consortia .
2 IF the more positive tone yesterday was any indication , investors have either come to grips with their fears of a hung parliament-Labour victory or are ignoring the polls altogether .
3 It 's our crowd that are taking the risks still .
4 You know they joined it right at the beginning , they , they 're the ones where the momentum 's come from erm they 're the ones asking the rich peasants to join them , the middle peasants and they 're the ones leading the revolution , th they are the riff-raff if you , you know , want to take one view erm they have n't got anything to lose because of their position er er er er as erm a rich peasant may say , you know , what is there to keep me from joining yo you people have neither tile over your heads nor speck of land under your feet , and it 's true they have got nothing to lose but these are the ones that are pushing the ideas forward and forming the associations .
5 I mean , I 've worked with the County Council but not on the same sort of budgets as the district councils so they 're making decisions that are affecting the districts that they have n't got any means of
6 Finally , we note that all of the reviewed studies used retinol at doses near the recommended daily intake as the source of vitamin A. Therefore the results should not be confused with the many cancer prevention trials that are investigating the effects of high dose — β carotene .
7 A group of East German trade unionists complained yesterday to the main trade union federation that the official media dismissed or ignored ‘ fundamental political problems that are upsetting the workers ’ .
8 Will it be me and Dave that are doing the interviews then , cos he 'll be doing the what is it the race relations side and no doubt I 'll be doing the
9 And it needs not only to provide access to files or data , but actually to connect applications running anywhere on the network — and through the application , to connect the minds that are putting the applications to work .
10 Mind you erm there 's one or two of the lads that are driving the waggons there .
11 A lot of erm group one plans are , there are about ten thousand plans that are showing an arrears status at the moment , and premium has been missed some time ago , it 's not a , not a current premium , which means on the fifteenth of June or the first of July we will automatically go in and pick up two premiums , we 'll t we 'll try and collect the arrears without having notified the client of it in any way at all .
12 Responding to what they say are inaccurate press stories — which we have not seen — Micro Focus Plc has issued a statement with Microsoft Corp 's concurrence , saying that their current agreement between will expire on September 30 , but that both want to continue their business relationship into the future and are exploring the terms for the new agreement ; as if to emphasise the point , Microsoft yesterday announced shipment of Microsoft Cobol professional development system version 5.0 for Windows , with support for the Visual Basic programming system for Windows and embedded structure query language ; it says the new release incorporates the latest version of the Micro Focus compiler , and creates executable files faster and smaller than previous releases ; it is $900 , now .
13 Recently such minicomputers have become more similar to computers in the mainstream , with extensive data-types and with larger addressing ranges , and are entering the fields of more conventional scientific and business computing ( see for example the early DEC PDP-8 , and the more recent PDP-11 , Data General Nova , and GEC 4000 series ) .
14 They have visited a brick works , turned their designs into architects ' drawings and are discovering the secrets of drainage and bricklaying .
15 Well , they have launched a campaign against fraud and are lowering the groupings of new cars with safety and security devices fitted as standard .
16 They wrote : ‘ The girls are very aware of all they are leaving behind and are finding the goodbyes painful .
17 Labour also hope to be able to enhance the trade of craft within Europe and are studying the Crafts Council .
18 They have put so much effort in individually and are reaping the rewards . ’
19 What concerns me is that the vast majority are not coming to enjoy the Park but are using the roads as convenient thoroughfares .
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