Example sentences of "[conj] at [adv] two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Section 39 Trustee Act 1925 provides that where a trustee desires to be discharged from the trust and where after his discharge there will be either a trust corporation or at least two individuals to act as trustees , then if the trustee by deed declares that he desires to be discharged and his co-trustees consent , he shall be deemed to have retired from the trust .
2 He claimed that his governing body , the UK Central Council for Nurses and Midwives , recommended that at least two nurses gave out the drugs to patients .
3 Without seeming too deterministic , it would appear then that at least two dimensions in the curriculum-deviance link can be identified in terms of gender .
4 The UV cross-linking experiments demonstrated that at least two factors are able to bind to the 80 bp fragment with molecular weights of approximately 90,000 and 30,000 daltons .
5 Variance component analysis showed that at least two biopsy specimens should be evaluated per subject to allow a precise individual characterisation .
6 AI 's research shows that at least two people have been charged in connection with the ‘ disappearance ’ of Jose Ramon on 16 December 1988 .
7 ‘ With an auction , you 've got to be certain that at least two buyers are there who can commit themselves , and the difficulty is that buyers who can proceed are few and far between , ’ said David Phillip , a director of Yorkshire estate agents Dacre Son and Hartley .
8 PHARE also provided ECU70.5 million in 1990/91 to TEMPUS ( Tran-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies ) which involves the exchange of staff and students between Eastern European countries and at least two member states .
9 He also said he had exchanged messages of support with New Forum in East Germany , Solidarity in Poland , the Democratic Forum in Hungary , Ecoglasnost in Bulgaria , Free Romania and at least two groups in the Soviet Union .
10 Produce your passport and at least two documents to prove that you are worthy to search for the Stone : press-cuttings , letters from people for whom you have performed daring tasks , or other documents .
11 Applicants will normally have a first degree , a relevant teaching qualification and at least two year 's experience teaching English for Business .
12 It has , however , produced a specific proposal for a European Works Council ( EWC ) , as a mechanism for informing and consulting employees in ‘ Community-scale undertakings ’ , defined as an undertaking ( or group of undertakings ) with at least 1,000 employees within the Community , and at least two establishments in different Member States , each with at least 100 employees .
13 They include a club promoter , at least one DJ and at least two dancers who 've been associated with the scene we 've been involved with for the last few years
14 Four criminal sessions , each of which usually lasted from one to three weeks , were held annually at Colombo , and at least two sessions were held each year at Kandy and Galle .
15 Besides a first degree and at least two years ' subsequent relevant experience , you 'll need to be familiar with all standard SEM techniques , and have experience of either EDS microanalysis or cyrological work .
16 Applicants should have a degree in a science or planning related subject and at least two years experience in environmental/land use and planning matters .
17 and at least two overcoats on ?
18 A number of men have already been charged with a range of offences and at least two men received heavy fines when they appeared in court last month , charged with ‘ importing obscene material ’ .
19 The extraction of salt was also important to the economy , and at least two places in Britain bear the name Salinae .
20 The front door was open and at least two sorts of music were oozing out on to the street .
21 The Philip Morris doctrine means that a merger may be caught by Article 85 if at least two competitors or potential competitors are involved and if the market behaviour of one or more of those concerned in the merger is likely to be influenced so as to distort competition and have an appreciable effect on trade between the Member States .
22 In fact Mrs Hylton , in her turn , forbade her musicians to fraternize with the dancers , but at least two Girls married her boys .
23 But at least two years because it would take us that time to furnish the house .
24 Both of them speak of Jesus having four brothers — Joseph , Simon , James and Jude — as well as at least two sisters .
25 Or , as at least two people suggested , a place where one learned to die ?
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