Example sentences of "[conj] at [adv] [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The worst of the unrest occurred in Uttar Pradesh , Bihar , West Bengal and Punjab where at least 100 people died in election-related violence .
2 Police were reported on Dec. 15 to have adopted a shoot-to-kill policy following pre-election violence in Rift Valley Province , where at least 16 people were said to have died .
3 He liked things , or at least people , or at least those people near him , to be straightforward .
4 Despite an intensified terror campaign by , predominantly , the Maoist Sendero Luminoso ( Shining Path ) guerrillas to disrupt the elections , the deployment of an estimated 300,000 soldiers and police ensured that polling day passed off relatively peacefully , although at least 55 people were reported to have been injured in bomb attacks on April 7-8 .
5 By the end of 1986–7 , MDC expenditure of about £140 million had resulted in about only £20 million of private-sector investment in commercial and industrial developments , although at least another £40 million was committed .
6 They were already in the sala , having a pre-dinner drink , when Maggie walked in , and she knew that at least one pair of dark eyes watched her sardonically .
7 On the previous day the Democratic Party had claimed that at least 200 people had been arrested for their part in the previous week 's demonstrations .
8 A report by the international human rights organization Amnesty International , published in October 1989 , said that torture and executions were widespread in Iran and that at least 1,200 people had been executed by the authorities in 1988 .
9 Hospital and mortuary records indicated that at least 100 people , troops and civilians , had died in the fighting and a further 200 were injured .
10 Village residents stated that at least 100 people had been murdered and buried in mass graves in the area .
11 Local media sources reported on March 10 that at least 100 people had been killed in Taraba state in recent clashes between the Jukun and Tiv ethnic groups over farming rights .
12 Staff hope that at least 100 people will turn up between 9am and 5pm.The project is laying particular emphasis on improving the wheelchair access and availability of hearing aid clinics .
13 Organizers of the demonstration — the National Campaign for Peace in the Middle East — claimed that at least 250,000 people had participated in the protest .
14 A Ukrainian physicist , Vladimir Chernousenko , claimed in London on April 18 that at least 7,000 people involved in clean-up work following the accident had died of radiation sickness .
15 , A Ukrainian physicist has claimed that at least 7,000 people involved in clean-up work following the accident had died of radiation sickness .
16 Police reported that at least six people died in a gun battle involving ANC and Inkatha supporters and police at Tembisa township on May 9 .
17 It was widely reported that at least five people had died during food riots in Tehran on Nov. 2 , 1989 .
18 AI 's research shows that at least two people have been charged in connection with the ‘ disappearance ’ of Jose Ramon on 16 December 1988 .
19 Continued heavy fighting on Nov. 10-11 was particularly intense around Vukovar ; it was reported by Zagreb radio that at least 80 people had been killed on Nov. 11 .
20 The report claimed that at least 26 people had been killed in the attack , mostly government employees who had been singled out and shot .
21 It was reported on Oct. 30 that at least 14 people had been hurt and 40 arrested when protesters attempted to prevent 27 members of the KKK from marching in Washington DC .
22 By contrast , a group representing European human rights organizations which had returned from a 12-day visit to Burundi , maintained the same day that at least 3,000 people had been killed in reprisals by the army and paramilitary groups after the rebellion .
23 Er Mark said that at least ten people have been .
24 An RSPB report entitled Europe 's Most Threatened Breeding Birds warns that at least 28 species of European birds may be about to become extinct unless prompt action is taken .
25 The latest report confirmed an October FAO estimate which suggested that at least 5,000,000 people in the Sudan risked death through starvation .
26 The report said that at least 50 people were being held without charge in " preventive " detention , and further stated that many hundreds of people were being held without proper trial , among them at least 90 political prisoners who were tried by special courts , over half of whom had been sentenced to death .
27 The government had launched an offensive on April 17 , and estimated that at least 330 people had died between then and May 19 , after which there was a noticeable intensification in the fighting .
28 The Guardian of Aug. 23 reported that at least 43 people had died in Sind in the previous 12 days as a result of armed attacks by gunmen .
29 Meanwhile , survivors of the Uzgen pogrom claimed that at least 1,000 people had been killed in that town alone .
30 The statement claimed that at least 300 people , including Palestinians , Jordanians , Iraqis and Asians , had disappeared .
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