Example sentences of "[conj] at [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All three Welsh areas had a high number of family units where at least one member had attended formal training , whilst in Orkney and Wester Ross there was one and none respectively .
2 The following are examples from schools where at least one microcomputer is now permanently based in the school library .
3 The ideal is to find a spot where at least one palm tree leans over the beach at a steep angle ( more about this in a later article ) .
4 It was one of those brilliantly simple ideas people always wish they had had themselves , and believe that somehow they could have had ; no need to incur any extra expense or make any more sizes than anybody else , or necessarily to distinguish one 's product in other way , yet just by the idea one has a potential market of half the jeans-buying public , or at least that proportion of it which has always felt that they are somehow perpetually between the usual sizes .
5 The passages from Mank Ali and Ata'i concerning Abdulfettah do suggest , however , that there may well have been some connection between the pairs of concepts and that there is some basis for assuming that the " interior " referred to is the three cities of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ( and environs ) and the " exterior " the rest of the empire or at least that part of it in which the learned hierarchy operated .
6 Some of their ideas were shown to work ; the counter-inflation programme ( or at least that part of it which closed the inflationary gap from the fiscal end ) was worked out by them and was a successful contrast to the experience of World War I. Yet by itself the explanation is inadequate .
7 ( a ) the cancellation of the whole of the issued and paid-up share capital of the target company ( or at least that part of the share capital not already owned by the bidder ) ; this will be effected by a reduction of share capital ;
8 It is not surprising that there were many attracted to the idea that scientific knowledge was the only true kind , or at least that reasoning like that used in the sciences could solve all human problems .
9 There is The Times front page of 16 November 1976 , on which I announce that ‘ the Lebanese civil war — or at least that stage of the conflict that cost … almost 40,000 lives — came to an end this morning when a Syrian army , 6,000 strong and accompanied by hundreds of tanks and heavy armoured vehicles , occupied the entire city of Beirut . ’
10 How we managed without all these aids — in fact by merely buying a coffin and getting on with it — I ca n't imagine , but I know that we were lucky to be living in the UK and not the US , where the open coffin , or at least one quarter open at the head end , is de rigueur .
11 The readership to be considered was the actual or at least predictable reading public rather than the precocious fourteen-year-old schoolgirl into whose hands it might perchance fall — unless it were in fact aimed at or distributed to fourteen-year-old schoolgirls , by whose vulnerability to corruption it should then be judged .
12 The ‘ bad mood ’ syndrome brought on by an offensive odour and the resulting symptoms of annoyance can lead to antisocial behaviour ; relationships with family , friends and others become strained , the persons most affected perhaps blaming other members of the family for the position in which they find themselves and which they consider intolerable , leading in extreme cases to marriage problems or at least much unhappiness .
13 Planning , or at least mental preparation , is needed for this transition , whether we intend to have an active retirement , or just ‘ sit and do nothing ’ .
14 The Liberal Democrats ' success unleashed speculation about pacts , deals or at least closer co-operation between the two opposition parties .
15 In 1551 , Bishop Scory leased the Manor and its lands to Robert Deane , for 99 years when they passed at his death to his daughter Sylvestre , then ultimately to the family of Dalison , who who maintained their interest in them until the present century , or at least certain land .
16 returning school-age pupils to full-time or at least part-time education and
17 the provision of mentoring or at least regular briefing meetings .
18 This may be seen as a move to make international law into proper law , or at least international law with one of its essential purposes , the control of force , and , of course , there have long been laws to restrict the type and degree of force used even in legitimate war , and some restrictions on the very legality of wars , for instance when they are in contravention of treaties .
19 From the Cairngorms through the Spey valley pinewoods round Abernethy and Rothiemurchus , out to Wester Ross and even the inner isles , so much wild country is changing hands — or at least changing status — that is has begun to look as if Scotland might at last be able to possess a tract of untroubled land , a sanctuary free of commercial pressures and of what the poet Thomas Grey called ‘ the pomp of power ’ , where native wildlife could flourish and humans meditate upon their species ' past follies and arrogance .
20 In the case of wave and tidal power , large units , linked to the grid , seem inevitable ; but the possibility of smaller units has also been discussed offering more scope for local or at least regional management .
21 Member States must be assumed to have actual or at least constructive knowledge of an organisation 's actions , so that they can not claim ignorance of them .
22 Thus these qualities have a kind of objectivity , or at least inter-subjective validity .
23 Indeed , the possible conjunction of the northern Anglian princes and Domnall Brecc in the same area could imply that an alliance between Angles and Scots or at least concerted action between them was the key to Anglian success in north Britain in the reign of Oswald .
24 He described Gaul — or at least southern Gaul — in a way which represented a novelty for the Greek public ( 3.59.7 ) .
25 It is part of the daily truck in street markets ; it the kind of thing which turns on the average car dealer ; it is part and parcel of many of the transactions carried out in the building trade and cash or at least early settlement means a better price for the retailer when negotiating with a manufacturer .
26 Good gossip must have an esential core of truth to it , and a dose of compassion , concern or at least good humour attached ; it is bad gossip that has no basis in fact , that is driven obviously and primarily by maliciousness .
27 It had rejoiced , as alien coteries naturally do , in its own intellectual isolation ; and in disdaining narrative , or at least fast-paced narrative , it had disavowed one of the native strengths of the tradition .
28 The Financial Times of June 29 wrote : " There is still a sense of illegality , or at least doubtful legality , about Denmark 's 11 partners going ahead with ratifying the Maastricht Treaty on political and monetary union , when the Treaty of Rome [ establishing the European Economic Community in 1957 ] says that constitutional revisions must carry the unanimous assent of all EC states .
29 Perhaps the most convincing illustration of the power of the monarchical idea and the extent to which it was still unchallenged is the way in which almost everywhere opposition to rulers , insofar as it was formed or organized at all , tended to centre around the heir to the throne or at least some member of the royal family and to use him as a figurehead .
30 The bolt-rig generally incorporates a hair-rig , or at least some kind of rig that entails the exposure of most of the hook point and gape .
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