Example sentences of "[conj] at [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It does prevent us from daring to say that a subject becomes part of education because you teach it in a school , or at a CAT or in a university .
2 So many of us are accustomed to eating in front of the television , or at a desk or even rushing about in the morning clutching a briefcase in one hand and a piece of toast in the other .
3 An order referring a question to the European Court may be made by a judge only before or at the trial or hearing of any action or matter either of his own motion or on the application of any party .
4 And you 're tuned to Radio York on the Whale show until two and er now we shall probably although the phones are ringing at the moment erm run out of calls I should think because between one and two I know most of you are having your lunch or at the pub or whatever .
5 On other days , he tended to have lunch either at the Reform or at the Oxford and Cambridge Club ; to judge by his correspondence , there were few occasions when he happened to be " free " and he was forced to arrange regular times in order to see close friends like Herbert Read .
6 If there 's no reply on the phone or at the door and the business has simply disappeared , you can very often be putting more good money down the drain by chasing it up .
7 This is a shrewd operator equally at home on the training ground or at the office while Big Jack hated life behind a desk .
8 Stories abound of the Phoenix Guard arriving at the very instant that the council decides upon a new king or at the moment that life leaves the old king , lending weight to the legends about the Chamber of Days .
9 So some time , you know , during the interval or at the end if you could er give them to Heather and then she 'll hand them on to me afterwards .
10 Their skills are unlikely to dovetail into demands of major financial institutions , except at the catering and cleaning level .
11 Except at the Opéra and at court , French maîtres exercised control ordinarily without a scroll or baton ( normally , in Paris , using the violin ) .
12 Secondly , most schools at present do not expect the student to spend very much of his school time in individual study except at the whim or discretion of the teacher , and the only facilities for such study are the school library ( when available ) and , for the older students in the sixth form , sometimes a sixth-form study room .
13 Sale starts at 11am on Monday , December 28 , except at the Broadgate and Fenchurch Street branches in London , which start the following day .
14 Yet I think that at the subconscious and half-conscious levels he was a heavy weight upon me of a perhaps oppressive or repressive kind .
15 The format of these meetings has recently been changed and it is hoped that at the March and November meetings the administrative details will be kept to a minimum and that at least one major policy issue will be discussed in depth .
16 what 's happened , but it does say in it that at the beginning that you assume that he is a youth because he 's got , come from university , but when he 's in the graveyard the fellow , it , it comes out that he 's thirty is n't he ?
17 There is no publicity out yet for the line , but it is said that the 1993 peak season of four trains each way will operate for only five weeks and that at the beginning and end of season there will be no trains on Fridays .
18 The problem is I ca n't say that at the minute cos I have n't got my print done .
19 Though his popular image undoubtedly embodied the broad ideological prejudices and aspirations of the masses — including anti-Semitism — it appears hard to argue that at the time that Hitler was gaining his widest electoral support the ‘ Jewish Question , was the decisive element in his growing appeal .
20 Oh they had I must tell you now that at the time that we had n't got a car at all , on the occasion of a royal visit , or some very important action being taken , my Chief Constable used to hire a chauffeur driven car from Mr of Lane in Ipswich .
21 Contrary to normal practice , ‘ the most discussed football official of recent years ’ , as the Daily Mail described him , had his team training at Highbury in the week before the final , rather than at a country or seaside resort ( Brighton was later to become the favoured Cup training ground ) .
22 However , her warnings are aimed less at the right than at the Communists and their 26 deputies , who would fare badly in an early general election .
23 Temperatures at the lake-beds in about 6 m depths were higher than at the surface when ice was present , rising from 1°C in mid-May to about 3°C in late July .
24 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
25 Nay-sayers are more likely to surface in the middle than at the beginning because now the project is more of a threat , more a challenge to their own perceived status .
26 It is always important to tell children the truth , in a way and at a level that they can accept .
27 The pension would be paid on an individual basis and at a level that enables older people to participate in the normal life of the community .
28 And then you will tell him to come to a place that I will tell you of and at a time that I will tell you .
29 I am s one that has just been recently appointed to one of these er regional ecumenical teams and at a meeting that was held for the three presbytery areas in the sort of west coast of Scotland , around the Greenoch area , erm it was , it became apparent that all these people who are being appointed er through their , their churches are in the main clergy and the convenor of the local committee himself a ruling elder of the Church of Scotland expressed concern about this , that there is no real er and I would just put it to the , to the assembly , there is there is no need for these members to be members of the clergy , in fact it would be good if presbyteries remembered when making a nomination eh that it , er it need n't be , it could be a , a an elder or indeed er a lay person holding no particular office within the church .
30 The Maggot whooped , dragged the stick back and our earthwards wing lifted and suddenly we were screaming just above the palm trees , close to the tiled roofs and at a speed that seemed to be doubled because of our proximity to the ground .
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