Example sentences of "[conj] at [art] time it " in BNC.

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1 Although at the time it was seen as no more than the correction of an anomaly , only at the Labour Party 's annual conference in 1979 was the formal position of the Leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party brought into line with the de facto position by his being accorded the title of ‘ Leader of the Labour Party ’ .
2 by the marriage of the testator , unless it appears from the will that at the time it was made the testator was expecting to be married to a particular person , and that he intended that the will ( or a particular disposition in the will ) should not be revoked by that marriage , and that marriage takes place .
3 It 's just that at the time it all seemed so beautiful and important , it was like some kind of historical event .
4 Now , the fact of a past service raises an implication that at the time it was rendered it was to be paid for , and , if it was a service which was to be paid for , when you get in the subsequent document a promise to pay , that promise may be treated either as an admission which evidences or as a positive bargain which fixes the amount of that reasonable remuneration on the faith of which the service was originally rendered .
5 It was built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1841 and at the time it was acclaimed as an engineering masterpiece .
6 The forces of federation and supranationalism were in disarray , and at the time it seemed natural to conclude that the whole momentum of European integration was lurching to a halt , in particular because the EDC debacle had opened up a rift between France and West Germany .
7 He can laugh about it now , and has referred to it in many speeches since to very good effect ; but at the time it hurt .
8 It was very short-lived but at the time it was a bit of a shock .
9 I know it sounds pathetic but at the time it gave me a bit of a fright . ’
10 We 're used to it now , of course , but at the time it seemed rather exciting .
11 It is a method that is nearly always used there days but at the time it was quite a new technique , certainly for a band like The Wedding Present .
12 At this remove , the whole incident seems insane , but at the time it only proved once again what any driver has always known , that the constructors as a class are hard-nosed men with egos every bit as big as their drivers ' and that there is n't enough concern among them for driver welfare or safety to fuel a heart for a minute .
13 Adds the source : ‘ Slash and his mates laughed about the incident afterwards , but at the time it was terrifying .
14 It did go through my mind a few times , but at the time it does n't seem that important .
15 But at the time it was thought that the record had yielded up its secrets in sufficient quantities to allow confident assertions to be made about the character of the evolutionary mechanism .
16 This Invectiva in Girardum Engolismensem Episcopum has been excoriated by modern readers as calumnious and anti-Semitic , but at the time it was promulgated by such church dignitaries as Bernard of Clairvaux , Peter the Venerable , and Haimeric , papal chancellor under Honorius II .
17 And then after I had my daughter I was going to go back in there but at the time it was just like a junior 's position ,
18 Afterwards she thought that , of course she must already have formulated the plan somewhere at the back of her mind ; but at the time it burst upon her with all the excitement of a vision .
19 Perhaps she should have put him right there and then , but at the time it had not seemed terribly important , for instantly , chameleon-like , his demeanour had altered .
20 That 's true now , but at the time it was questionable .
21 It 's laughable but at the time it was n't laughable but when you think back , this man that I was put on with , he was acting guard foreman .
22 But at the time it 's really , really serious .
23 Sometimes rap was difficult to defend because at the time it was all dicks and gold .
24 Excess is insidious because at the time it seems a bonus but later on it can be an expense that diverts resources from development areas .
25 Whereas at the time it was a thin old wicket — you know , ‘ Madness are a bit thick and they do come out with some bollocks sometimes , so I do n't know if I can throw my weight behind them ’ . ’
26 " I think I learnt a few things , " laughs Eva though at the time it must have been extremely painful for the girl who had " excelled at everything " .
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