Example sentences of "[conj] at [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The user is still firmly in control of what goes where at every stage of the document 's creation and the program has lost none of that intuitive feel .
2 The contrast painted between the intense , vibrant , imaginative life of the child outside school ( where at the end of the day the eight-year-old collapses into deep sleep a few seconds after rushing round ‘ being a lorry ’ ) and the drab , pointless monotony of his classes is as striking as it is disturbing .
3 This was playing games where at the end of training there was no greater number of jobs available .
4 Yet his horizons were quickly widened to include the nearby town of Dorchester where he attended day school , and where at the age of 16 he was apprenticed to a local architect , despite his academic interests .
5 Tiltman was educated at Charterhouse School , where at the age of thirteen he was offered a place at Oxford University which the family was unable to take up .
6 Williams had gone to take up a post at Howard University , where at the age of 28 , he began what would become a meteoric rise through the halls of academia , ( Associate Professor in 1946 , at the age of 35 ) .
7 Her body , limp now , warm and damp with the evidence of his passion , lay passively against him , filling his hard , shallow male contours with the softness of her flowing curves , as she let her senses absorb him , his taste , his touch , the scent of him , the sound of his heavy , steady breathing , and the sight of his beautiful face where at the moment of consummation passion and compassion had mingled to win her trust .
8 Compare Morris , where at the moment of the price labels being swapped the shopkeeper retained ownership , the entire proprietary interest .
9 Again , it is a peculiarity of unfair dismissal law that an industrial tribunal does not have the power to consider the fairness of dismissal where at the time of dismissal the employer was conducting a lockout or the employee was taking part in a strike or other industrial action .
10 PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS AND PREGNANCY — the only exclusions are in respect of any claim where at the time of taking out this Insurance ( i.e. making your booking ) the person whose condition gives rise to the claim ( whether the Insured , the travelling companion or other person not travelling ) is either : —
11 Paragraph 21 exposes a gap , pointing out that an innocent acquisition followed by a dishonest decision to keep or dispose of the property was in general not larceny and that larceny by finding was committed only where at the time of the finding the finder believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
12 The SAC has published its findings in a booklet which is available free to subscribers or at a cost of £5 from its offices at West Mains Road , Edinburgh .
13 The other half of the local freemen worked at the food and drink trades ( 10·5 per cent ) , clothing ( 8·9 ) , leather ( 7·9 ) , building ( 5·8 ) , the professions ( 5·4 ) , the metal trades ( 3·2 ) or at a variety of miscellaneous tasks .
14 Any such appointment or removal shall be by written notice , letter , telegram , cablegram , telex or telefax message or other form of visible communication from the Director to the Company and shall be effective upon delivery at the registered office of the Company or at a meeting of Directors .
15 Any such appointment or removal shall be by written notice , letter , telegram , cablegram , telex or telefax message or other form of visible communication from the Director to the Company and shall be effective upon delivery at the registered office of the Company or at a meeting of Directors .
16 Did she mean at four in the morning , or at a time of extremity ?
17 Streamline English Directions is for upper intermediate students , such as those approaching or at the level of Cambridge First Certificate .
18 The basic question is this : is information represented in the brain at the level of individual cells or at the level of groups of cells ?
19 An understanding of these processes is of value to all those — for instance , politicians , trade unions , businesses — who wish to understand , forecast and influence economic developments and policy at either an aggregate level or at the level of individual markets .
20 The lack of effect of preincubation with TPA on the responses to forskolin and cholera toxin suggests that the actions of TPA on the responses to histamine , TGLP-1 , and gastric inhibitory polypeptide are not mediated at the catalytic subunit or at the level of the interaction between Gs and the catalytic subunit .
21 one of the things said there is , time has shown the management charges rise at a rate either slightly below or at the level of inflation , a fine record not easily beaten what , what do you say about whether or not that was accurate in nineteen eighty five for instance ?
22 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
23 Another method would be to look at the Automobile Association 's figures on the cost of running a motor car of that engine capacity or at the cost of hiring such a car .
25 Unless you locate it either in the middle of a wood or at the bottom of a quarry .
26 So you could have been standing , you with your shield , at this point with Constable with you , either on one side of the bed or at the bottom of the bed or on the other side of the bed , where were you in fact standing ?
27 At the Confirmation Mass each of us had our special responsibility as musician , reader or at the preparation of the gifts .
28 As we have seen , Gandhi recognizes that no single religion can embody the whole truth , and that all particular religions contain errors since they are human constructs or formulations , but does it follow necessarily that when he speaks of Religion underlying all human constructs , or at the heart of all religions , he is referring to an ‘ essence ’ of an ‘ entity ’ or a ‘ primordial form ’ of religion after the fashion of Schleiermacher ?
29 Kernaghan played as a striker or at the heart of defence .
30 I have a soft spot for writers in the Weberian tradition or at the intersection of that tradition with Marxism and have learned a lot from them .
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