Example sentences of "[conj] he have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not quite so confidently as in Stratford ; or in Oxford , of course , where he had memorised whole sentences from the Jan Morris guide .
2 Murray , he alleged , then had gone to the bothy next door where he had injected three men with heroin .
3 The youngster had been taken to hospital , where he had spent two days after an operation .
4 Some , like Bina Gardens , where he had spent pleasant evenings with Frank Morley and Geoffrey Faber in the 1930s at John Hayward 's flat , resulted in the Noctes Binanianae , a little private anthology which I came upon later in the Houghton Library at Harvard .
5 Like Graham and Sabrina he too had been left a holdall , containing a Geiger-Muller counter and his favourite handgun , a Browning Mk2 , in a locker at the main railway station where he had spent three hours studiously checking the invoices for all the freight loaded at the goods yard over the past ten days .
6 The secret policeman was back in uniform , a plain copper on the beat , back where he had started fifteen years before .
7 He had had a successful academic career at Cambridge University , where he had taken successive degrees leading up to his PhD .
8 Christopher — more talkative than usual — was animated in his description of the Highlands , where he had taken several long walks with Alastair .
9 In April 1965 Crawford opened with Harry H. Corbett in a new comedy , Travelling Light , at the Prince of Wales Theatre , where he had enjoyed such success in Come Blow Your Horn .
10 In Berchtesgaden , where Hitler had his home on the Obersalzberg , and where he had enjoyed special veneration in former days , the SD reported that his speech on New Year 's Eve merely elicited the response that it ‘ brought nothing new ’ , and there was ‘ hardly any credibility worth mentioning ’ left for his last broadcast speech on 30 January 1945 .
11 I had watched Quintin under pressure during the Suez crisis where he had shown admirable calm at the Admiralty in testing circumstances ; and while I had some misgivings about his famous ‘ judgement ’ I felt that he could take on the leadership and the job of Prime Minister , and make a success of it .
12 Activity in the two days following Cedric Downes 's release had hardly afforded a model of investigative collaboration , with Morse sleeping through until the late afternoon of the Sunday , then idling away most of the Monday in his office , moodily perusing the documents in the case ; and with Lewis doing the converse , making what he felt had been a fairly significant contribution to the case on the Sunday afternoon , and then spending the whole of the Monday abed , where he had lain dead to the wideawake world , and where , even when Mrs Lewis had gently rocked his shoulder at 6.30 p.m. and quietly breathed the prospect of egg and chips into his ear , he had turned his head over into the pillow and blissfully resumed his slumbers .
13 A HIGH COURT judge today ordered that the Marquess of Blandford be freed from jail , where he has served three days of a 112-day sentence for maintenance arrears .
14 Benji Durden , who ran in the 1980 Olympic marathon , lives in Boulder , Colorado , where he has coached several élite runners , including Kim Jones , twice a runner-up in the New York City Marathon .
15 An immensely confident batsman , Gooch is at his most bullish against the West Indians , where he has found great success .
16 An immensely confident batsman , Gooch is at his most bullish against the West Indians , where he has found great success .
17 This respondent echoed the thoughts of the first by concluding that ‘ … it looks as if he 's played around in the paint , trying to create something — or he 's got confused and mixed everything up and something just happened ’ .
18 Just 'cause he 's got curly hair .
19 He could handle the fast rise now , although he 'd had some trouble along the way .
20 Incredible to believe , although he had fallen unchecked for over 200 feet , onto solid rock below , the pilot was still alive , although dying from multiple injuries .
21 Although he had suffered severe head injuries and eight broken ribs , he was found to have died from drowning .
22 The Jokers proved to be Winner 's first hit film , although he had received favourable American reviews for The System , a story of young hooligans at a British seaside resort , which also starred Oliver Reed .
23 Later , he made some corrective statements pointing out that although he had made these observations , he was certainly not advocating the use of any drugs , although he continued to ridicule some of the US government 's attempts to stem the tide as being the wrong way to deal with the problem .
24 He also wanted to publish the next volume of the Cantos as soon as possible , in order to bolster Pound 's reputation , although he had expressed private reservations that the most recent work was not of so high a standard as the rest .
25 He said he mostly cruised now — although he had done several Fastnets and a few Ton-Cups some years ago .
26 Since Miss Mates had intervened he had said little , although he had had enough to say before that , goodness knew , thought Sally-Anne briskly .
27 Although he had removed all trace of labelling from the cassette the Duty Men were not fooled .
28 John 's father left the family when John was seven , although he had spent long periods away when John was younger .
29 Although he had anticipated all sorts of difficulties , he found a flat to rent .
30 The appellant , in evidence during the trial , had insisted that he had made it clear to Mr. Burt that he was not a fully qualified accountant , although he had passed some examinations .
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