Example sentences of "[conj] he be at [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He has had his problems this season with a knee injury to overcome but it is great that he has got where he is at the moment , ’ said Dalglish , who would not even confirm that he will give Paul Warhurst , his £2.7 million signing from Sheffield Wednesday , an Anfield debut .
2 ‘ He has had his problems this season with a knee injury to overcome but it is great that he has got where he is at the moment , ’ said Dalglish , who would not even confirm that he will give Paul Warhurst , his £2.7 million signing from Sheffield Wednesday , an Anfield debut .
3 ‘ We 're not sure where he is at the moment because he 's on leave , ’ said Major Astle .
4 Major Astle said : ‘ We 're not sure where he is at the moment because he 's on leave .
5 He had not got where he was at the age of thirty-three by giving way to pointless speculation and neurotic inner enquiry .
6 He can hardly talk , almost certainly ca n't see and although he was at the funeral probably does n't even realise that his son died in another road accident six months after his .
7 Perhaps the most important question in the wake of IT Year must be : what will Kenneth Baker do now that he is at a loose end ?
8 However , the child who dances with delight upon hearing her father 's key in the lock does unmistakably believe that he is at the door , in normal circumstances , but , without asking her , we will not know if she is aware of the next day 's possible delay .
9 The mutual understanding is that they give him their votes , and he gives them his services , always seeking to prove that he is at the very least as obliging and as diligent as the other " TDs and would-be TDs in his constituency .
10 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
11 Edward , an infrequent attender , complained that he was at a disadvantage , having been to a public school ; the others , who had been to state schools had unfair practice at this sort of thing .
12 She could see that he was at a loss for words — which was reason enough for her to be pleased with her impetuous decision .
13 that he was at a meeting where Margaret Thatcher was speaking , and he erm made a comment about what the people in his constituency perceived about something , and she got up and said ‘ now that 's totally wrong ’ .
14 Alfred Fry , stage manager of Drew 's company , told the court that he was at the premises in Friar Street when he heard Drew singing at six o'clock ; he also saw and spoke to Drew at 6.15 .
15 At this Drew became disturbed and emotional , and said that , if the three people that he had previously named — the Lindos and Norman Stubbs , the stage manager — could not testify that he was at the theatre at the time of the murder , he knew of no-one else who could , but he certainly did not commit any murder , nor was he seen in Cross Street with blood on his face .
16 It was n't Brian 's fault , he could n't really help the fact that he did n't fit in , that he looked , well … strange , or that he was at the back of the queue when the brains were handed out .
17 He had come up from the bottom and made it to the top : no one was to forget that he was at the top and everyone was supposed to forget where he had come from and how he had got where he was .
18 Anyone who knew Niki knew , in spite of his denials , that he was at the end of his rope .
19 Mr Scott 's removal from office was demanded by one shareholder who said that he was at the helm when the company 's finances went in to the red .
20 Hill-Wood remains philosphical about the club 's disappointing run — ‘ you have good spells and bad spells ’ — and is certainly more optimistic about the club 's chances of winning major honours this season than he was at a similar stage last year .
21 Once he was at the front it was plain sailing for the Pagid UK sponsored Vauxhall driver , who finished four seconds clear .
22 That leaves Michael Portillo : fine , and he 's at the Treasury already , but he 's only 39 .
23 And he 's at the top of your list ? ’
24 Tamar always seemed to be in a bad mood recently and he was at a loss to discover the reason .
25 They had drifted into a brief alliance now because she was out of work and he was at a loose end emotionally , but it had not worked .
26 It arose because of my meeting George Wigg in the army , whom I had encountered when I was based at Southern Command headquarters and he was at the same headquarters as a Lieutenant-Colonel in charge of army education , where he had already established a reputation for ruthless eccentricity .
27 Erm , I ca n't remember the exact conversation but the basics of it were that we were looking for somebody called Lawrence and he was at the present time at erm and that he was in possession of a gun and that the caller was concerned for the safety of the occupants of those premises .
28 She let him pass her , fifty yards to the east ; the temptation to shout was wrong but she waited until he was at the hedge .
29 But the feeling about Faldo is that if he is at the top of his game , he should win it .
30 The boy who puts unwanted chocolates , sweets , nuts and raisins and chewing gum into the trolley at the checkout can not put his hands to mischief if he is at the other end of the checkout using them to put his mother 's groceries in the box ( see page 111 ) .
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