Example sentences of "[conj] he look at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was the field path to Nod , where the grass brushed Paul 's shoulder in high summer and he looked at marguerites and red sorrel at eye-level .
2 The attendant 's smile faded rapidly and he looked at Donna with narrowed eyes .
3 ‘ 'E needs a good romp in the fields , ’ and he looked at Willie , and I reckon you do an' all , he thought .
4 Not fer me mind , ’ and he looked at Willie trundling on ahead .
5 And he looked at McAllister sitting primly before him , hands in her lap , the face beneath the lace cap so enchanting that Angela Macleod , née Deverill , and all her works , flew away forever , and he knew again where his heart now lay .
6 ‘ No , I do n't think we 've met , ’ said Nigel Steen , and he looked at Charles intently .
7 Oliver had n't said anything but he looked at Emmie .
8 But he looked at Iago Vaughan , and was suddenly aware that his motives would not be questioned nor his matter suspected .
9 Alexander was too far gone in his cups to detect the sarcasm but he looked at Corbett , licked his lips greedily and , snatching up a brimming cup , lurched to his feet and gestured Corbett to follow him to the far end of the room .
10 I 've seen him looking at you … but he looks at women that way .
11 When he looked at Rose , he could see that there was something wrong .
12 He felt a stirring himself when he looked at Maggie although he certainly ought to have known better .
13 Jack froze , not knowing what he should do , and when he looked at Steve beside him , he knew he felt the same .
14 Travis 's eyes were gleaming with mischief , though his face was grave when he looked at Paige .
15 When he looked at Lucien , there seemed to be a shadow of amusement in his eyes , a sureness .
16 There was a distinct love light in his eyes when he looked at Jenny .
17 Christian rubbed his chin as he looked at Seb and thought seriously about the plan he had put forward .
18 The young man was not pretending now , as he looked at Bathsheba 's beautiful , excited face .
19 Perhaps he was just imagining the undercurrent of nostalgia , he told himself as he looked at Cora-Beth 's flushed , excited face .
20 Simon Doggett 's face blanched as he looked at Sharpe 's frayed and blood-drenched uniform .
21 His tone gentled as he looked at Mrs Foster .
22 Now some of that bitterness was back as he looked at Teacher Peng .
23 Ben was grinning now as he looked at Millie , saying , ‘ Perhaps they 're goin' to adopt you . ’
24 He felt foolish as he looked at Molly who was on all fours amongst the pine needles looking at him in open mouthed amazement .
25 Then the man spoke his first word in a very long time as he looked at Beth panting away .
26 As he looks at examination papers undistinguished by any spark of originality , and recognises the pale image of his carefully prepared arguments , he finds , incongruously , that he is thinking of casting pearls !
27 Something must have told him that he 'd not said quite the right thing , for he looked at Zeinab uneasily afterwards .
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