Example sentences of "[conj] he always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Regrettably for the Palace , Alan found it difficult to adjust to 2nd and then 3rd Division football , where his undoubted skills were given short shrift by our opponents and , although he always gave of his best , he was equally always a heavily marked man .
2 ‘ His most annoying habit was that he always had to be right .
3 When she stopped speaking his feeling of animosity towards her seeped from him , and the pity that he always felt for her again rose to the surface and for a moment he himself knew the extent of her frustration and the reason behind her furious tantrums when she had known his uncle was going to marry again .
4 She bought a choc-bar ice-cream on the way , and this immediately gave him the illusion of proxy licence that he always felt upon seeing the thin and flawless elude the rules .
5 The effect was that he always seemed to be smiling .
6 Well the , the , the , the , the sort of , the sort of background as I have seen it he never struck me as being particularly clever or bright it 's just that he always seemed to be very well taught and academically successful and exams never seemed an undue problem , and so he went off to Wolverhampton Poly which he selected for , you know , all the usual reasons , reasonable place , reasonable course , a reasonable this a reasonable that , tt erm to do computer science which of course all the kids want to do now erm twentieth centu no it is n't it 's a sort of nineteen eighties version of wanting to be an engine driver is n't it ?
7 He knew that he always operated at full efficiency when driven by anger ; from now on , he was suddenly sure , he was in control of this bloody conference .
8 This year he would n't even have the fallback option of his sister and her family , something that he always approached with a grim sense of duty and then often wound up thinking , at the end of the day , that perhaps it had n't been so bad after all .
9 It seemed that he was extra attentive to me , and I heard via the grapevine that he always referred to me as ‘ the little Waaf with the starry eyes ’ .
10 Im also ‘ concerned ’ that he always seems to be the catalyst for the periods when Leeds start ‘ buzzing ’ .
11 He was gazing into his make-up mirror , playing the same game that he always did on the monitor screens in television studios — in other words , deciding which was his best profile .
12 He thinks all women should look like Page 3 models , so he always comments on my short haircut , clumpy shoes , ‘ man 's ’ coat , etc .
13 He never gives his name , and he always asks for the same dedication .
14 Sometimes he finds it hard to understand what I want to say , but he does n't mind how long he waits while I repeat it , and he always understands in the end .
15 And he always slept in our bed , ’ Jean says .
16 And he always wins in the end .
17 And he always seemed to be campaigning vigorously and futilely for some boy or other who had been sent to borstal for a criminal offence .
18 But Karajan 's will was superhuman where music is concerned and he always had in his hand a trump card : a capacity for inner detachment that left him free of bitterness or rancour for all that has been written and said about him over the years .
19 He never came in very late , always by twelve , and he always tripped on the doorstep from garage to kitchen hall , and he always yelled out complaining , ‘ Why the hell do n't you keep a light on ? ’
20 I know , and he always sleeps like that .
21 ‘ We used to say good morning to each other and he always smiled at me , ’ he recalls .
22 The aircraft Crew Chief had a routine that he followed when opening the bomb doors and he always stood in the same place ; fairly adjacent to one of the doors .
23 Simple as that And he always wanted to be in on any underground culture going .
24 And he always dressed in rags .
25 A fellow of mediocre talent will remain a mediocrity , whether he travels or not ; but one of superior talent ( which without impiety I can not deny that I possess ) will go to seed , if he always remains in the same place .
26 I 'm sure them long hairs , get them round his mouth , I 'm sure they got in his mouth when he was sleeping , cos he always sleeps on his back
27 I know , but he always sits on Emma and
28 But he always returned to the streets of Paris for inspiration , recording aspects of city life long since lost ; finding both joy and humour amidst scenes of poverty .
29 People who did n't like him said he was very sarcastic , but he always seemed to me to be a most sensitive and competent man .
30 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
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