Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
2 Several years before the thought came to His Majesty 's omniscient mind that he should select some pleasant sight on the banks of the River Jumna … where he might found a splendid and delightful edifice .
3 Rehearsals were held in Gedge 's bedroom where he would play a toy electric organ and everyone would take a turn drumming on a Smash tin lid .
4 He 'd been so lovely , and her shoulder still burned where he 'd put a hand on it after the game .
5 And it is becoming increasingly likely that the England starlet will be allowed to move on to another county where he can make a fresh start .
6 Understandably , he is looking for a place where he can not be reached , A Retreat where he can enjoy an unearned or undeserved equilibrium .
7 A person who has been dispossessed may bring an action for ejectment where he can establish an immediate right to possession .
8 I am going to tell Roy Plumley 's successor where he can stick the one luxury he allowed us to bring .
9 On sunny days , when she had washed and dressed him , his chair would be taken out and placed under the Stocks Tree where he could watch the people come and go .
10 A man was sitting at an open window where he could watch the road .
11 He crossed over to the side wall where he could watch the entrance while he opened one of the crates .
12 When he reached an angle where he could watch the shop-front without being seen from inside it he stopped and consulted his guide book again .
13 Yet it took ten years for the pope to arrive at the point he had desired in 1199 , where he could treat the parties as equals , the one and the other , alterum et alterum as he says , and make his decision in Rome .
14 Putting as much professional coolness into her voice as she could muster , she proceeded to do so , leading him into the side ward , where he could study the patient for himself .
15 His mother had been silent when she first saw it , and his father had been angry at the lack of enthusiasm and had arranged to take Stuart fishing for a day to a small loch where he could borrow a boat .
16 If papal provisions worked in some instances under John XXII to the disadvantage of the king , the pope endeavoured where he could to satisfy the king 's wishes , so that at the end of the reign far more bishoprics were occupied by civil servants than in 1307 .
17 He placed Hyacinth upon his right hand , where he could keep a fatherly eye on her , and Angela Cartwright , his chairman , upon his left .
18 Since Balbinder clearly made more progress in a small group where he could have a lot of attention , and where all worked at the same pace , this could be an answer .
19 Harry withdrew inch by inch along the dim passageway to the end , where he could have the wall on two sides of him , and flattened himself into the last shallow embrasure , beneath the last curved corbel .
20 He said he was sorry for not visiting more often , sorry for not being there , for not , for not , for not , these omissions of his , these confessions , they rose into his closed mouth until it seemed that he might choke , they were jumbled up , dislocated , like old bones in a crypt , but he knew they fitted together , he knew they would form a skeleton where he could hang the flesh and muscle of his guilt .
21 He became a cult figure in Glasgow , stalking the streets in leather pork-pie hats , wandering into darkened pubs wearing shades , and setting up an unofficial headquarters in the lounge of the St Enoch 's Hotel where he could survey the talent and go about the more important business of being Baxter .
22 Dr Ottokar Proctor , head of the presidential think-tank , and widely believed to be the architect of the Big Bonus , was unavailable for comment , although he is scheduled to make an appearance at a film festival in Tampa , Florida , where he will give a lecture on the Sisyphean influence of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner on contemporary American culture .
23 Mr Shevardnadze will be travelling from Managua to Havana tomorrow , where he will meet the Cuban President , Fidel Castro .
24 ‘ The aggrieved consumer needs an accessible local service to which he can take his troubles and where he will receive a realistic appraisal , a measure of help in presenting his case , or a pointer to the next step .
25 Might I suggest that before he ponders further , Mr Jencks has a listen to the Peter Townshend song Wo n't Get Fooled Again , where he will find the line , ‘ Meet the new boss , same as the old boss ’ .
26 In November 1958 he told the Western powers that they must leave Berlin within six months and make it a ‘ free city ’ , or he would sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany .
27 Either he walked out of here with a deal for Simon Cormack , or he would need a police escort anyway .
28 ‘ I knew that Frank had to grow up , after five years , ’ said the star , ‘ or he would seem a complete idiot .
29 He said I must do his bidding , or he would reveal the falsehood and have me imprisoned for fraud .
30 This child had to be born , and soon , or he would lose the pair of them .
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