Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In company where he felt at ease , able to be himself , with Paul Alexandre , Anna Akhmatova , Lunia Czechowska , Modigliani still behaved like the well-bred and courteous young man who had first charmed Paris .
2 His cramped room in the Decrucq house , that he shared at night with two small children , was no good for his art work .
3 The real reason was that he felt at ease ; he was no longer a figure of fun or an eyesore , he had a place — just as he did at first with Sien .
4 I can tell you that he lived at number forty-one I think , yes forty- one if , if you know if you want any confirmation , that is correct .
5 He gossips about the weather and American football , recalls that he played at school and in the Army , and was a big follower of the game .
6 The theological answer is that He feels at home anywhere because He is at home everywhere .
7 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
8 Regan favours the quality of ‘ intrinsic value ’ , a concept that he treats at length .
9 This required taking such steps as arranging the candidate 's schedule so as to ensure that he arrived at campaign stops in time for coverage on the nightly news .
10 He seems to have enjoyed greater success with the public than he did at home , however .
11 He should have gone away to prep school at eight , but Claudia did n't want him to feel rejected just because there was a baby half-sister , so he stayed at home .
12 Eventually he had to make a choice between management and working full time in front of the cameras — so he resigned at Villa .
13 He has little sympathy for the Arab nationalism that destroyed the Jews of Baghdad and the Christian Assyrians , and he quotes at length from Stephen Bloom 's ‘ almost lyrical ’ account of a Romanian childhood where Germans , Slovaks , Russians , Greeks , Turks , Armenians and Jews provided harmonious diversity .
14 The attendant 's smile faded rapidly and he looked at Donna with narrowed eyes .
15 One director used him in Waiting for Godot , and he felt at home in a straight play at last , but unfortunately a critic wrote four hundred words about the Christly nature of the moment when he took his hat off .
16 And he lunged at Anwar with a carrot that was Lying to hand .
17 His health began to deteriorate seriously towards the end of 1826 and he died at South Bank 17 February 1827 .
18 But , ’ and he nodded at Tundrish , ‘ your reply best describes what our Scouts squads must do now : help restore true law through wanton terrorism .
19 He suggested that the king should finance the war out of his own resources , and he hinted at corruption at court .
20 Partial topic framework existing in a conversation between K ( 20+ , female , Edinburgh-resident , university student , … ) and J ( 60+ , male , Edinburgh-resident , retired , … ) in P Working Men 's Club , Edinburgh , … ) at T ( early evening , spring , 1976 , … ) mentioning ( J's three children — J ‘ s brothers — the schools they attended — the schools J attended — that J did badly at school — J left school at fourteen ) when K asks J what he did after he left school J : oh I done odd jobs like + paper boy + chemist 's shop worked in a chemist shop + and done two or three others+ and I finally started in the bricklaying + so I served my time as a bricklayer + K : that 's good money J : nowadays it is but in that + when my time was out it wasn't+ it was only three pounds nine a week + so + + K : my father was a stonemason and he started at home + and they were paid a halfpenny an hour extra for being left-handed + +
21 If he remains at transport , he might yet have to revise that judgment .
22 If he remained at liberty , he could authorise the calling in of outside help — hence , as insurance , the coup leader 's attempt to destroy the President s reputation by connecting him to the cocaine trade .
23 ‘ Yes , but he stays at home and never sees anybody , Mr Holmes ! ’ answered Helen Stoner .
24 Mr Szuluk was refused a clothing grant from the Department of Social Security , which said that because he lived at home with his parents , he was n't a priority case .
25 I would be flying over and staying with Angie for a couple of weeks at The Sherry Netherland , and Angie and I would go with Zowie in the daytime and then we 'd stay up all night with David because he functioned at night .
26 What will happen on Saturday is that the other half and kids will be banished to the shops , while he stays at home to watch the match in silence .
27 ‘ My husband was made redundant and I went out to work while he stayed at home to do the chores .
28 Since he arrived at Number Ten , back in November 1990 , friends have been insisting that he is his own man , sometimes protesting too much in the process .
29 Bénezet let him go , and sat for some moments considering what he had heard , before he rose at leisure , and walked back thoughtfully to the guesthall .
30 But when he woke at quarter past six , his mind was full of ugly images , of Alex trembling , of the gun , and , most of all , of the expression of bewilderment and betrayal on Michael Banks 's face as he clutched at his chest and sank to the ground .
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