Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Coghlan accepted that a verdict of death by natural causes aggravated by lack of care can be returned in accordance with Reg. v. Southwark Coroner , Ex parte Hicks [ 1987 ] 1 W.L.R. 1624 , but he submitted that section 19 of the Act of 1988 does not require a coroner to hold an inquest where he foresees that such a verdict is possible .
2 Watching actors in animal costume making their sophisticated jokes was like proof of anthropologists ' statements , as typified by Frazer in that same conclusion to The Dying God , where he stated that serious rites had become idle amusement , mummeries , and childish games .
3 Although he concedes that this kind of research is sometimes necessary , he deplores the tendency to regard it as the norm .
4 He does n't think that women should be allowed so much freedom of movement , although he understands that this is regrettably the custom , to this day , among white women . ’
5 ‘ He also said the factory included many novel and revolutionary schemes not operational in any other part of the world , although he stressed that all equipment had been tried out elsewhere ’ .
6 Kosa sees this charismatic character as peculiar to medicine and clergy , although he notes that some Protestant denominations have weakened or eliminated the charismatic authority of the clergyman .
7 Professor Botha also said neither woman had been raped , although he added that further tests are to be conducted on the bodies .
8 Palmerston replied that he was glad to have the assurance of ‘ trained men of science and judgement ’ , and although he felt that Gothic might be suitable in the country , he was determined to have Italian for the present purpose .
9 In his mind 's eye he sees a girl who has brains ( although he knows that some very dim actresses can read with all the appearance of intelligence , and the converse ) who has a slight resistance to the Hollywoodification of Claudia 's life .
10 Responding to the Amnesty report in a BBC interview on April 19 , the then Minister for Planning , Salman Abdul Razek as Mutawa , denied that human rights violations were continuing unchecked , although he acknowledged that some human rights violations may have occurred immediately after the liberation of the country .
11 Nicholson 's customers are not price sensitive explains Tony , although he stresses that this is different to not expecting value for money .
12 April : An extension of links with South Africa was announced by Ratsiraka , including a direct air service and expanded economic and commercial relations , although he emphasized that diplomatic recognition would not take place until South Africa had abolished apartheid .
13 He acknowledged that the students may at first find difficulties in adjusting to the Scottish education system , the language , the weather and life in Edinburgh , and said that he hopes that these awards will remind overseas students that the University has confidence in them .
14 As in the past , he was anxious to know what my new job was like , and it was reassuring for me to learn that he thought that such work was very much needed .
15 At a press conference on May 2 President Vaclav Havel said that he thought that racist attacks by groups of skinheads on Romanies , Vietnamese guest workers and other members of racial minorities were being provoked by supporters or agents of the former communist regime , who were also engaging in disinformation about the situation in the country .
16 You will remember that he thought that contextual features might be considered in the way that general phonetic features are considered : sometimes , but not always relevant , and specifiable to variable degrees of delicacy for different purposes ( 2.2 .
17 The Washington Post of June 24 quoted the co-chair of the observer delegation , Donald Payne , a member of the US House of Representatives , as saying that the elections could not be described as " completely free and fair " , and that he hoped that new elections might be held in disputed areas .
18 Following the talks , Bush defended Japan 's role in the Gulf war and said that he hoped that most Americans understood the constitutional constraints on Japanese military operations .
19 The first part of Heisenberg 's concluding sentence shows that he felt that such a view fell short of attributing reality to elementary particles .
20 However , I know that my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House is operating under constraints and that he feels that those arrangements represent the best way to proceed .
21 The circumstances in which Anselm used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae in these nine letters from 1101 to 1106 show that he knew that this phrase embodied the papal policy with which Hugh of Lyons had probably made him familiar , and which he was in duty bound to carry out in the matter of homage and investiture .
22 Here the Crick hypothesis has an advantage over the others , in that he proposes that those mysterious extraterrestrials did not simply scatter spores willy-nilly but sent out a computer-controlled spacecraft containing the spores as cargo .
23 His motive for doing so is that he thinks that English verse has been ill-served by prosodists in the past .
24 Although he sounds the traditional warning that all electronics are aids to ‘ proper ’ navigation it is perhaps a sign of the times that he admits that many now see the chart-and- pencil methods as aids to the electronics …
25 But we have also seen that he denies that such knowledge is innate and that its self-evidence arises from its being imprinted on our minds prior to all experience .
26 I hope that he agrees that that does not mean that differences that are difficult to justify should be perpetuated indefinitely .
27 Indeed , Wycliffe maintained that Gaunt regarded political instability as one of the greatest evils that could befall a state ; and Gaunt 's political career suggests that he believed that political stability was best ensured by the maintenance of the prerogatives of the monarchy .
28 In his statement , Subba Row , who is 57 years old , stressed that he believes that five years in office is sufficient , and that negotiating the International Cricket Conference agreement on South Africa , announced in January , was quite enough to be remembered by .
29 Not , of course , that he abandoned that amiable judgment , assumed in A New View , of unspoiled human nature , nor that unshakeable conviction that co-operative communities would bring out the best in it .
30 Mr. Justice Henry is no respecter of persons , and I hope that the hon. Gentleman has not become such a respecter of persons that he supposes that those two people were dealt with out of any consideration for who or what they were .
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