Example sentences of "[conj] with all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then , for the following one we bought the first meals on wheels van so that with all the money that we 've collected for Harlow day we bought something out of the money .
2 You could say that with all the service Deane gets from the midfield he should have scored more than two ( as I say Lee 's got 4 & he gets hardly any service ! ) .
3 It 's also a doddle of a post to a certain extent because the next manager automatically qualifies for the European Championship and with all the home support would stand a good chance of doing very well .
4 And so an uneasy , smiling peace was patched up — enough to last to the weekend , and with all the year to mend in .
5 And with all the terrorist problems the French face their borders are watched closely .
6 ‘ Just along the bank a TV crew were filming , and with all the commotion I was making someone broke away from the crowd , jumped into the river and dragged Mrs Miniver to safety .
7 He had discussed it with his father seriously and with all the information to hand .
8 Annunziata stood absolutely straight and with all the dignity that Julia so admired in her shook her head .
9 ‘ Because there 's Christmas cake and mince pies to go with it , and with all the kerfuffle over Mrs Hamilton there 's been no one to eat them ! ’
10 And with all the spray flying around they 'd get even wetter . ’
11 While the phenomenon of the unitary state is relatively recent , in Eastern Europe , where the process of industrialisation and capitalist organisation arrived late , the surviving multicultural and multilingual societies were purged and simplified very late and with all the vigour that technology could muster .
12 But with all the noise , it was hard to tell what was going on .
13 But with all the equipment at GCHQ the Government must have known a lot more than I did about the horrors .
14 But with all the right-on posturing and good intentions in the world , AIDS service provision has been reactive .
15 But with all the glasnost in the world I could not accept Natasha Vitaliev 's comments ( Impressions of Britain Today ) : ‘ Women in Britain have equal rights with men …
16 It was all necessary , no doubt , but with all the optimism of his youth he could n't see that it looked promising .
17 But with all the military might they may summon , they can never break the resolve the people who have suffered for too long under their rule .
18 Sometimes it is awkward because with all the excitement you tend to go to the lavatory a number of times before the race , which leads to difficulty later on .
19 AS WITH all the coverage the Echo has so kindly given our Battle of the Atlantic project , ‘ Battle Stations ’ , I was delighted to read Will Rolston 's piece in Friday 's edition .
20 As with all the Fairy Basslets that this species will flourish far better when kept in pairs , individuals often displaying a mere shadow of their potential .
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