Example sentences of "[conj] you go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 where you went for a walk , down , went to the shops
2 Where you go for a pound .
3 Conciliation facilities are available in the county courts where you go for the divorce .
4 We went youth hostelling for m the sort of the chapel choir , after When you grew up in chapel , then you were either found a job teaching , in the Sunday School , or you went into the choir .
5 Yes , you could do that , so , so y you go for erm a very high rate of taxation or you go for a lower rate of taxation which is
6 And when you that lay down you can look at whoever what the other players have got face up and you either go for a player or you go for the maximum points .
7 You either stamp Lucas up his right buttock or you go over the double white lines , or you brake and somebody behind might be too close behind you .
8 The idea here is that you go to a domestic dispute to prevent a crime from being committed …
9 sure , th th th that is your other option is , is that you go for a m a much more equal policy and the , the government takes money in taxation and puts it back into the , the agricultural sector .
10 So all I ask is that you go on the way you have started . ’
11 I tell your dad cos he called you , he said that you go at a snail 's pace did n't he today ?
12 In the same way that you go into a DIY store to mix paint , we are looking to fit our product to customers ’ lifestyle and financial needs . ’
13 The last part of the resolution is it 's actually taking up the area , where at the present time we have n't got a D S O. It seems stupid that you go into a school and you can clean , clean their classrooms , cut their grass and look after their , do their grounds maintenance , cook the kids ' dinners , but you ca n't do any minor repairs , you 've got to call in another organisation .
14 Mm , so when you left your , when you came back you said that you went into a requisition property
15 But it , it was so varied that you went through the , the cities and the highland scenes where they went through the highlands and in the country and then you ended up with coming on to a crossroads in a modern , a futuristic city , where if you look down you , the pavements were elevated and you walked down to where all the models of General Motors were displayed as if they were crossing roads .
16 ‘ I told Harry that you went to the police with the tape from the answering machine .
17 that 's right you 'll have to show all your friends that you went to the pictures
18 No , cos you just remember the order that you went round the room in and .
19 Yeah but they basically just do n't want to lose out either way , I mean there was no reason for them to join originally but when events happen and they see the tide turning almost , you know get with the bandwagon , I mean they , they do n't want now to be seen as the minority and the ones under threat , so you go with the er majority , with the , the stronger force
20 So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob — push the door open — go inside — close the door gently behind you so that you do n't wake up anybody else in the house ; now you go to the basin — put the plug in — turn on the tap — it 's a very stiff tap … ’ ( p. 196 ) .
21 In this particular instance it is representational , as the ‘ performance mode ’ is , for the child is required to describe in action whatever the teacher suggests ( as in the example above , ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob ’ ) , but the ‘ exercise mode ’ has other characteristics that give it a special mental quality .
22 We 've done example one together , can I now ask you to do example two , which basically is the sum , is the same sum but the client 's a smoker , so you go to the back of the book .
23 It is a long day , but you do the show and you have a buzz , so you go to the pub .
24 So you went along the corridor to her room .
25 ‘ My philosophy with Jim was that once you go onto the court , play every point deliberately .
26 Once you go past the end you go on to the red and if you win it
27 and it 's even more noticeable once you go into the , the year twelve , that first twelve months is crucial , if you just kick your heels and do nothing , you 'll find it very very difficult to work to pull up
28 now he passed that on , that had , sort of knowledge on through the people in the shop okay , if you , soon as that link gets broken and you go into a shop something like erm Burtons okay , big retail shop like Burtons , you go in there you 'll have a manager in there and assistants and so on , but their background knowledge has nothing to do with tailoring , nothing at all
29 The parlour door went straight onto the street , because it was a terrace you see and you go into the into the front room here and you have another door into the next room and another door into the scullery at the back .
30 But it 's really cool if you get into the upper sixth and you go into the erm you get a study near the book room you know round the back .
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