Example sentences of "[conj] you [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 I believe and this is why I 'm involved with I believe that you get the best of both worlds here .
2 Erm , I seem to remember that when we met earlier in the year and you were looking forward to , to , to this year as a whole , I think you er , indicated that it was going to be a good year and I think you also suggested , if I remember right , that you thought the better part of that improvement would be seen in the second half rather than the first .
3 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
4 That you take the best possible care of yourself to avoid ill-health .
5 Knowing that you will invariably be outnumbered means that you should take pains to ensure that you do the best you can to cut down the number of your attackers .
6 Enterprise representatives are friendly , reliable , and highly skilled , and are in resort to ensure that you have the best possible holiday .
7 It is not difficult — though may be expensive — to hire a guide for a day ( or a week ) so that you find the best snow available at each time of the day and each season , whether it has n't snowed for a week or is blizzarding as you start the day .
8 I know some people say it takes time , but I think if you spend a year producing a lamb it is nice to see it sold and you do the best you can for it .
9 With an SLR camera rotate the filter while looking through the viewfinder until you get the best effect , then take the meter reading .
10 ‘ You do n't look like you had the best time ever ! ’
11 I think a medical problem different say for instance for myself I got an awful bash on the nose playing badminton and they thought it was broken , however it mended and I wished it had broken because its mended a bit , but I do not believe in spending money on cosmetic surgery because I think if you make the best of what you have and think of all the people were mutilated by disease
12 If you want the best Basmati rice , look for Tilda Basmati , Brown Basmati and Easy Cook Basmati : Tilda selects its Basmati from its own highly trained buyers who purchase only the finest quality of Basmati from the season 's crop .
13 If you want the best word to describe John Bryan then it is ‘ hustler ’ . ’
14 Where they are not specified , use them anyway if you want the best performance from your detector .
15 But if you want the best speciality produce , shop at the market on picturesque Karlplatz for game , poultry , fruits and vegetables , together with wonderful cheeses .
16 One if you want the best when you pig out you have to pay for them , and two they are not always as meaty as they might appear .
17 You can get it by post at three pounds fifty by post , send a cheque or postal order made payable to the B B C for three pounds fifty , we 'll sent it b , I 'll send it by post to you and send it to Afternoon Special , , Derby , Leicester , Lincoln or Nottingham if you want the Good Old Days Quiz Book by post .
18 Just because you had the good fortune to pay nothing for your very expensive university education does little to justify a system of higher education which , at the same time , excluded 85 per cent of your age group from the privileged position you evidently enjoyed .
19 You 've been cheating me , you stinking ass hole , letting me pay you for second-rate designs while you market the best ideas yourself . ’
20 You should ask yourself whether you make the best of what you have , however little .
21 When you get the best eight players in the world together in a round robin tournament like this , there can be no favourites , ’ said world No 1 Jim Courier .
22 Of his prospects for the rest of the tournament , he said : ‘ When you have the best eight players in the world , every match is like the final of a big tournament .
23 As soon as you get the good news you 've been hoping for , accept it .
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