Example sentences of "[conj] you [vb mod] [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 Also I mean that means that you might you know maybe Jan will say yeah okay as long as you you know .
2 and you 'll you know it does it itself you just , you , with the computer you just say well I had four pounds and I spent a pound on that and two pound on this thirty pence on that and it goes pow does it by magic .
3 But I think this is , I think that I know it w it was the arguments that went on when we were on about going dividend stamps was very interesting , I quite enjoyed them and you can you know , definitely what came out was that erm it was a bad thing because erm people , er maybe it 's good if these stamps are going to the Co-op er going to the hospitals I 'm all for it , but I 'm afraid mine I keep them to for myself and erm er I get so few these days now my Co-op 's gone but erm you know usually I go and get a bag of er , box of teabags with mine , you know and er so I use my stamps now erm .
4 So er I I thought to myself well I du n no , I du n no all these Newton girls have been off to Sri Lanka or or , or Zaire or wherever and you 'd you know , is n't that great ?
5 We 're alright you know , they only way you 'll get the business , he 's like that , he talks like that , is if you can you know offer a big price saving .
6 But , if you can you know agree to tell him
7 I mean if you could You know what we 're looking for now .
8 but you might you know miss it by a week and got three months , two months , three weeks at the most
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