Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 David O'Leary ( although I gather noone in Leeds has seen him play )
2 I think that as professional drivers we would all w look at that and s and see that Er I mean been out with very many lorry drivers and er that is the way that I 've sort of been with the majority of the guys that I 've been in .
3 Most of the other laws if , in a way , follow on from that one You 'll notice that I 've sort of spaced the writing out today so you have n't got to do so much .
4 ‘ The usual routine is that I get frog-marched into the presence of the Topmost Panjandrum so that he can have a good gloat .
5 Anyway that , that I mean lack of experience , lack of knowledge and , put that down to , probably but that 's just another story .
6 Indeed , he confessed that he was deeply troubled by having to pass sentence at ill : ‘ Itis with feelings of great pain that I pass sentence upon you , the defendants , and I can make great allowance for the youthful spirit which has been exhibited by you . ’
7 Many players that I know work within fairly narrow parameters to achieve their sound .
8 If you think it should be on my conscience that I take advantage of her ignorance , then it is only fair that I should tell you she has , in the past , been unfaithful to me . ’
9 It must have crossed your imagination before that I make love to women .
10 It 's when people are opinionated , as opposed to having a properly argued opinion that I lose patience with them .
11 You said exactly that I quote word for word in November nineteen ninety and a week later what happened ?
12 I confess that I give pride of place to the story of his children on the occasion they organised a charade displaying a Crusader knight returning from the wars .
13 As English Heritage do not like us , it is with some glee that I report dissent in their own ranks .
14 You 'll notice that I say end of the fortnight , that was the settling time .
15 I told you that I do business for him , ’ she said , and explained .
16 In his desire to make sure that I do justice to the Masai cosmic vision , the professor overestimates my attachment to the logical .
17 I repeat that I have sympathy with the staff of the Housing Executive and the Department of Health 's occupational therapy department , but there are great problems that we must face .
18 I then reassure her that I have forgiven her , although I am aware that the word ‘ forgiven ’ implies that I have absolution in my gift .
19 Also my teaching is squeezed into 4 days , which means that I have time to myself at the weekend , including Friday .
20 I 'm afraid my intentions do n't always match my actions , but I assure you I do think of you far , far more than I put pen to paper !
21 ‘ I feel very strongly for our community as a whole more than I feel resentment for this man .
22 I 'm sure that a picture is worth a thousand words , and so the screenshots can probably tell you much more than I have space for .
23 I have had lots of tanks almost from the beginning , and have probably worked out most of my fantasies regarding sizes from 15″ × 10″ × 10″ up to 48″ × 18″ × 18″ — the only problem has been that I always want to keep more species than I have room for .
24 ‘ I thought maybe I go to a party , ’ he explains , ‘ so I bring bottle from aeroplane .
25 Once I receive word from her , I shall contrive to visit you again . ’
26 I 've used certain Hendrix lyrics and poems throughout the exhibition and I get grief from Fairchild if I 've put a comma in the wrong place .
27 Firstly , we , the loss of jobs , er themselves employ a hundred and forty two people , there are a further one hundred and eight people who are employed in er periphery items and other firms on the airfield itself making two hundred and fifty , but this figure has doubled because of the imminent closure in March of Aerodrome and the number of companies who were going to transfer from these , and I hope transfer from these to Hatfield .
28 If you have vegetable dishes , you can usually help yourself And I like variety in my food .
29 I mean when I got , when I got here okay er when I was in the lower sixth and I like sort of got in and then like it was so weird being , I mean I 'd never been to a blokes ' school before I came here
30 And I mean look at my private culture .
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