Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
2 And if ever I thought it , that was the time that I thought that Mother knew what she was singing about .
3 It 's just that I feel that colouring to cover the grey belies the steady progression of life and the honourable nature of growing older .
4 And I hope that stepmother of yours appreciates it , too .
5 When Midshipman Jack Rogers , trying to identify a distant ship , hopes it may be a Frenchman and declares ‘ the French will never like the English till they have taught us to eat frogs , and have thrashed us on a second field of Waterloo , and I hope that time may never come ’ , his friend Alick Murray defends French courage in war and laughs at Jack 's belligerence .
6 The ball is now firmly in the British Government 's ‘ court ’ , and I hope that pressure from the public will push them into action .
7 Both Sir Thomas and I assumed that distance and the fickleness of youth would take care of the matter , ’ continued Elizabeth Mowbray .
8 Allan had Margot , his coach , in the village , and I thought that medal hopes should all have had their coaches with them .
9 It can be controversial and I envisage that fixing zone boundaries would require a procedure of public enquiry etc .
10 There is an issue about how much choice some people can exercise and I recognise that issue but the idea was not to force anybody to make the move .
11 And I believe that consignment back in the warehouse is totally , completely , unquestionably legal .
12 So far wheels , frame and chimney have been built and I believe that progress has been made on the boiler .
13 A student 's intuition moves far more swiftly than can an instruction manual , and I believe that self-tuition is the finest form of education .
14 ‘ The deal has been very good for football , ’ he says , ‘ and I believe that television is going to be accepted as a very important tool in the game 's administration .
15 I am a socialist and I believe that socialism is the basic ideology that will serve the needs of the masses .
16 There must come a point at which man must stop trying to decide his own destiny , and I believe that point has come now , in our time .
17 On a summer evening it is a superb setting for a drink and I believe that food is also served in that area .
18 His work has taken him by car to all parts of this wide and pictorially exciting area , and I suspect that lie has carried a notebook with him and jotted down impressions of darkening moors and sunset skies on his way home to Long Preston .
19 We first visited Orkney in 1952 , on a family holiday , and I suspect that experience had a lot to do with stimulating my love of islands .
20 He and I think that consideration should be given to allowing Committees to bring people before them to give evidence on a Bill during its passage through Parliament .
21 Of course it deters you , and I think that element of deterrence did take place .
22 It shows she was unjustly treated and I think that society is wrong to judge ; if she has broken a bond made by God , then he should be the only one to reprimand her for it .
23 Levine is described in the blurb as ‘ an extraordinary woman with remarkable intelligence , creativity and energy ’ , and I think that claim , far-reaching though it may be , is probably justified .
24 I think everyone says the three-day week produced some remarkable results and I think that side of things continues to be run very well indeed .
25 When they were younger he and Grandma had a little farm and I think that Grandma did not have an easy life with him and had to do a good bit of the farm work .
26 And I think that analysis allowed me , on personal terms , eventually to understand things like incest , like you were saying Elizabeth , sexual violence and things like that , that I think had really weakened me as a person .
27 If you 're politcally motivated only you 're not your own man , and I think that politics in local government as strong as they 're getting now is a bad thing .
28 Extreme bass did roll off to some extent and I found that stereo location of low-frequency sources was less pin-point than from properly disposed loudspeakers .
29 There remains truth in the adage , ’ The devil makes work for idle hands ’ ; and I assert that lack of hope is the greatest recruiting officer for all criminal activity .
30 If I knew that policeman better , the one I met at the bus stop , she thought , I 'd be tempted to tell him , because it tells you how Rose felt about her son .
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