Example sentences of "[conj] for the [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Designed long ago , the defences of Famagusta consisted of towers and wallwalks , battlements and arrow slits , without proper seating for cannon , or for the ventilation that cannon demanded .
2 What evidence can be gleaned for the ‘ Queen Margaret ’ school , or for the counter-argument that such changes are largely a matter of style rather than substance , by examining the procedure and mechanics of government since 1979 ?
3 Nobody in the SDLP criticised Currie for his espousal of Thatcherism or for the fact that he stood against and defeated a Labour candidate to get into the Dail .
4 There are no committee members , no officers , and no hard plans for the future , except for the hope that the people at this meeting will go out and spread the word in other parts of the country .
5 Seems reasonable , except for the fact that he has n't cut the mortises for the mullions .
6 It 's terrible if you take a lot of it because it 's just bad for your personality — not for your health , except for the fact that you get thin .
7 Well , that was all fine and dandy , except for the fact that there was n't one sign in clones for the Kilturk checkpoint .
8 When it landed , the Americans had no steps tall enough to reach it , a gratifying start except for the fact that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and his party had to climb down an emergency ladder hand over hand .
9 Except for the fact that she is n't meant to be Jewish , we are in stock Jewish-mother territory .
10 In February 1756 reference is made to four illustrations ‘ sent some time since by our friend , Mr. Collinson ’ and Miller said he would have sent others except for the fact that he had been waiting for better colourists .
11 A and B might well have features in common from the outset ( the c elements in the figure ) and these will produce primary generalization — training on A will give associative strength to stimulus elements that are present also in B. The X representation functions in just the same way as the c elements in producing generalization except for the fact that the ability of A and B to activate X is based on prior conditioning .
12 A third possibility connected with the idea that life on Earth originated from space is manifestly a nonsense — except for the fact that some remarkably distinguished scientists have supported it , the most recent of them being Francis Crick , winner with lames Watson and Maurice Wilkins of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work in unravelling the structure of DNA , the ‘ double helix ’ .
13 Then , in the early part of this century , the quantum theory appeared ; its details need not concern us except for the fact that it implied that all forms of matter and energy came in tiny discrete packages called quanta ( by ‘ discrete ’ is meant that you can not have half a quantum ) .
14 It was good fun except for the fact that it was extremely cold and we had the wrong Bethlehem carol sheet .
15 Except for the fact that they have the boat , they do n't seem to be obvious candidates for a really good time .
16 Equation ( 8.22 ) is the expression for the combinatorial entropy of mixing of an athermal polymer solution and comparison with equation ( 8.7 ) shows that they are similar in form except for the fact that now the volume fraction is found to be the most convenient way of expressing the entropy change , rather than the mole fraction used for small molecules .
17 The bare infinitive expresses a possibility which was not realized in this use and is therefore conceived in the same way as it is with the modal auxiliaries , as a mere potential , except for the fact that no particular form of potentiality is attributed to it .
18 This would be a consumer sale except for the fact that the goods are not consumer goods within the meaning of s 12(1) ( c ) .
19 On the other hand , a contract which , under such conflict of laws provisions , would be governed by the laws of any part of the UK , except for the fact that the parties inserted a governing law clause specifying a foreign proper law , may still be caught by the UCTA .
20 I know absolutely nothing about this authoress , except for the fact that she has written many other horror stories .
21 She had been mean with money all her life , using her daughter and granddaughter as servants , and even herself at times during the last seven or so years as unhired help , except for the time that Rosie was here .
22 This may be true for the nuclear industry and for the utility that owns the Three Mile Island ( TMI ) power station , but in terms of the physical harm done to the public , the TMI accident proved to be virtually a non-event .
23 erm , I do voluntary work for the Brook Advisory , er through the peer educators and that has been very erm beneficial for for myself and for the work that er , we do with
24 I thank my right hon. Friend for that encouraging response and for the work that he and his colleagues are doing on this .
25 And for the anthropologist that is all that matters .
26 Even when allowance is made for a certain diversion of effort from new house-building to repair , and for the possibility that the average size of the houses built in 1947–9 is slightly above that of those built in 1934–8 , the contrast remains startling .
27 So we thank you for food , for clothing , for our homes , and for the government that you have set over the world .
28 For the most part , the growth of this dome was accompanied by intermittent Vulcanian activity , responsible for the loud explosions heard in St Pierre and for the ash that was showered down on the town before and after the fateful 8 May .
29 Whoever cares for his own safety is lost ; but if a man will let himself be lost for my sake and for the Gospel that man is safe ( Mark 8:35 ) .
30 That way we will achieve more in the period and for the money that is available .
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