Example sentences of "[conj] for [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eleven weeks before the opening of the British Empire Exhibition ( where for the first time the King 's speech was transmitted by wireless to every part of the country and many parts of the British Empire ) , the house with every item in place was ready to be presented to both the Queen and the public .
2 New light on an Old Master is illuminated indeed , and it 's what you will find at Canada House Gallery where for the first time , an almost forgotten body of work by Henri Matisse , relating to his fascination with the Canadian Inuit , has been mounted together with much original source material in the way of Inuit masks , photographs and books which the artist studied .
3 An initiation for prisoners had been established where for the first week officers were encouraged to violently beat and humiliate the new prisoner in nauseous ways .
4 All the intercepts are significantly greater than zero except for the first sub-period when it is significantly lower than zero .
5 However , in the non-proportional tax rate case , the virtual income is also altered ( except for the first segment ) , generating a further income effect which will serve to alter labour supply .
6 Before I moved to Sheffield in 1970 I had done my homework and knew that for a first visit to this corner of the Peak the venue had to be the last of these three crags .
7 What we can now see is that for the first timefor a very long epriod we have inflation at a ver low level and the clear prospect of growth without inflationary difficulties .
8 Many companies give an indication of how easy ( or difficult ! ) each plant is to raise so I 'd suggest that for the first year you stick with fairly easy ones , perhaps trying a couple of ‘ harder ’ ones .
9 And the final thing before , from me , before Mr starts for you , I wanted to welcome the fact that for the first year , there is a recognition of demographic growth change for social services , and I think that is most important .
10 One young farmer , Shermani Yussef , said that for the first time in his life he had been forced to lease some of his land to cover his losses .
11 Soutter , the fourth seed , thus beat the player who caused her exclusion from England 's world title-winning team , in a final that for the first time since 1979 contained neither of the Guernsey girls , Martine le Moignan and Lisa Opie .
12 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
13 Concerned at the rapid expansion of the hunt , and the declining stocks of small cetaceans around the coastline , the Iwate Prefecture in January 1989 instituted a licensing system , so that for the first time ever , the hunt could be regulated .
14 Masha nodded , saying that for the first time since Geneva she could feel the attraction of Communism .
15 But on 20 September the Commission announced that for the first time it would take Britain before the European Court of Justice .
16 Then he realised that for the first time he was looking into the front of a hurricane .
17 He realised that for the first time in weeks he had not thought of school , Murray , Fairbrother or the wretched affair of the letter .
18 What is interesting is that for the first time individual patrols would have radio communication via jeep-mounted No. 11 radio sets , but in the event of breakdowns they would also each take two pigeons .
19 There was the added complication that for the first time there would be a period of five minutes or so when I would have to shut inside my satchel not only my outdoor shoes but my gym shoes as well .
20 Warren pointed out that for the first time Britain was aiming to carry out speculative research .
21 While feeling a little sad at leaving , Mr. Offer said that for the first time he would be looking forward to an extra hour in bed in the morning .
22 At the Food Research Institute Dr David Southgate , who has made a special study of dietary fibre and whose research is the source of the scientific textbook fibre figures , has provided analytical values for the dietary fibre in a range of usefully fibre-rich canned and packaged foods , so that for the first time these products , which form such a major part of modern eating , can be realistically assessed and used for health value .
23 I pursued the howling dog , hands clawed and teeth bared , stopping only when my rage was replaced by the realisation that for the first time in my life I 'd put another human being before myself .
24 Scientists then often speak of ‘ the scales falling from the eyes ’ or of the ‘ lightning flash ’ that ‘ inundates ’ a previously obscure puzzle , enabling its components to be seen in a new way that for the first time permits its solution .
25 Food shortages and the lack of heating or lighting in towns , and the time-consuming difficulties of finding ways round them for city-dwellers , meant that for the first time in a century , if not longer , life in the country was not to be despised .
26 Mrs Frizzell found it impossible to forgive Mrs Dawson 's becoming a widow the same week as her party ; a history of Mrs Dawson one night , and the remarks the following night of the lady secretary of the United Nations ' Society on the role of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Cyprus , had meant that for the first time in years no report of Mrs Frizzell 's party appeared , though room had been found for a report on one of Mrs Murphy 's receptions .
27 The new fact in the world 's history is that for the first time a great power with a formidable Navy , a population from which vast armies might be raised , and an economic and financial strength which might alone be decisive in any future conflict , is prepared to stake its own peace , not merely to guarantee its own interests , nor to further the partisan aims of its allies , but to make an end in the world of the possibility of prosperous aggression … . beyond the American continent her only interests are the open door to trade , freedom of the seas , and the maintenance of peace .
28 Sales of prime London properties are picking up and the latest quarterly bulletin from the London Research Centre shows that for the first time in over a year , average prices have not fallen .
29 A government survey of family shopping trolleys revealed that for the first time , we are buying as much low-fat milk as the traditional whole variety .
30 ASH , Action on Smoking and Health , said the new move meant that for the first time the true toll of smoking would be seen ‘ in black and white ’ .
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